The buyer of the house has no objections and so we are now on autopilot to the closing of the house which will take place on October 31, 2011. We have a place to live for the next two months. Kellie and I are in conversation about what will take place after the first of the year. The on-site visit was successful and now there is one more step to take before the outcomes become official. I can say that all the parties involved are excited about the future. Life seems now to be moving toward a celebration moment that embraces a blessing of what has been done and anticipation of something new and wonderful. Each day I grow more humbled by how much I have been taught and learned from the wonderful people of Carbon County. I hope this letter finds you well.
Giving the Candidates their candles. |
St. Paul's (Dixon): On Sunday I arrived about thirty minutes early to prepare for a baptism of two children. One of the members of the congregation has been in conversation for what may have been about two years encouraging and inviting this family. The husband seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, but after a few questions about what he has been up to he opened right up and became relaxed. The really fun moment was when a member of the congregation came up to read and she stumbled over the concluding statement - “The Word of the Lord” yet when she recalled it she proclaimed it with authority. I had to laugh. Other members of the congregation shared with me that they are leaving to go south for the winter and wished me all the best of luck and blessings on my part of my life. It was agreed that I am not “dieing” and that I will be around for years to come. That brought comfort to me and I hope that brought comfort to them.
Moving the Table around at St. James in Encampment |
St. James (Encampment): I received a request last week to send photographs of the construction of the new parish hall. As it turns out the Saratoga paper wants to do a write up on what is happening at St. James. I forgot to mention that “the little green church on the side of the hill” will be no longer in a couple months. It will be known as the “wonderful log church on the side of the hill”. Keep check in and I will continue to post pictures and provide up-dates on what is taking place in Encampment.
Everybody working on a project at St Thomas |
St. Thomas (Rawlins): I received a text message on Monday informing that the Gospel Study on Tuesday was postponed for the week. That gave me opportunity to write my sermon early because it was a short week. On Wednesday I was in conversation with different people while I was at Kraft Hall and wrote my second to last contribution to the Livingstons (St. Thomas' newsletter). I have providing “honking report” for almost seven years. This is another one of those reminders that my life is changing.
A place for people of Saratoga to relax. |
St. Barnabas (Saratoga): I received some great news that will be made public soon enough. I would encourage people throughout the region to keep December 3rd open for there will be an important event coming up. During my on-site visit I took great delight in sharing how this congregation was able to be a loving community in the face of a difficult challenge. It is the wonderful work of all the churches (small, medium, and large) that is really the face of the Episcopal Church.
Having some fun around "instruction" in the church. |
St. Luke (Medicine Bow): I read on one of their faithful members that they had practice at Medicine Bow and she brought food. I am not sure what that means (smile). I have not heard any other further developments on their bathroom plans. I am looking forward to hearing an up-date next Sunday. Not much more to report for this week.
I continue to work with the Rev. Kathy Robinson on the “Attractive Church” workshop that she has formed over the past thee to four years. It seems to be gathering speed now as two different congregations have requested the workshop. Kathy along with Ann Wafer will be hosting this workshop at Thomas the Apostle Center in Cody this weekend. I will be sending another e-mail with more information about this so keep an eye out for it.
What is coming up this week? I am going to spend the day with my family going to the pumpkin patch on Monday. Tuesday I will be attending the Gospel Study at Kraft Hall (Rawlins) at 9 am and be hosting a WebEx meeting with the Regional Reps and Ministry Developers that night at 5:30 pm. I will be at Kraft Hall for office hours from 10 am to 12 pm on Wednesday. Then I will be in Casper on Friday and Saturday to participate in the Hank Raymond Wilderness Camp board meeting. Sunday I will be preaching and presiding at St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. Be well my friends.