On Thursday I had a chance to catch up with the some of the fine folks of St. Paul’s and it was noted that my weekly letter had been on sabbatical for a couple of weeks and when it was back up a person felt tired as she read all that I do in a week. Yes, I am busy. However, the primary purpose of my weekly musing of what takes place throughout Carbon County is to share what the churches are doing with one another and to the greater part of the Diocese of Wyoming. Some people may not know this, but this weekly postings travel to different parts of the United States and is published on a blog. That is something to consider that people outside of Carbon County are keeping up with the events that are taking place INSIDE of Carbon County. The church is going internet! I hope this letter finds you well.

St. Paul’s (Dixon aka LSRV): With the Episcopal Church using the Revised Common Lectionary we now have more choices on the Sunday assigned readings. I e-mailed Linda Fleming earlier this week to let her know which ones to assign. I arrived in Jo’s Campground for sharing and compline service. This event takes place once a month during the warmer part of the year. The sharing part of the gathering is often around at theme and this night it was gratitude. What do I appreciate? The work I do. I am one of those blessed people who get to travel around Carbon County and take in the beautiful sites and work with an independent lot. The mountains put on quite a show almost year round.
Sunday (July 18th) I arrived for a Holy Eucharist service at 10:30am. There were twenty four people in attendance with seven of them kids. One of the kids was a camper this year and he brought two of his friends, his brother, and mother. Nice turn out! After the service the people gathered for a Ministry Support Team meeting in which there was some general check in and beginning to plan for Bishop (Elect) John Smylie’s visit in September. They also discussed the county wide gathering that will be taking place in August and as it turns out I will be presiding at St. Paul’s for an early HE II service on August 22nd to make up for the 2nd service that they will miss because I am on vacation. Everybody was agreeable to that solution.

St. Thomas (Rawlins): Last Tuesday I met with Rev. Karen Buckingham for her final training on Prepare/Enrich pre-marriage counseling training. The material we covered worked nicely with what she is learning at the Family Systems retreats. Talking about retreats Karen has returned from her fourth retreat and is now completed over half of the material. We talked briefly about how to put what she is learning to use and this is an ongoing process of learning and being.
Wednesday I was at Kraft Hall for office hours in which I had a chance to up-date Stephanie on the weekly dates for the bulletin. I made a couple of phone calls to other people throughout the County. I also received a call from Gerry informing me that most of the members of the Ministry Support Team of St. Thomas were going to be out of town or had other commitments on the date that was proposed to meet and so we rescheduled to met some time in August. Those pesky summer vacations! (Now smile because I am!).
Saturday I caught up with the Worship Breakfast of St. Thomas in which we review the up-coming month and make plans. It is clear that we are in the summer months as people travel and participate in summer activities. August is the final month before school starts again and so people are getting the most of their time. Everything is covered (with some creative scheduling).

St. James (Encampment): They have sent another camper to Wyoming Wilderness Camp for the Jr. High Adventure Camp. The primary person who volunteered to drive the camper up to Esterbrook has been fighting the flu and decided it was best to remain at home. Not to worry I called Pat and he gave me a list of people along with himself who could take him up. I am sure all the travel arrangements have been made. They have been working hard on the plans for the August 22nd “Church in the Park” that will be held in Encampment. For more information please contact Vonnie Asbell or myself.

St. Luke (Medicine Bow): There is not much to report this week. I will head that direction this up-coming Sunday and I am looking forward to finalizing plans on hosting a HE II service at Lillian Burnett’s ranch. I did hear that they are making plans to attend the consecration and installment of the Rev. John Smylie at the end of the month. Ah, the lazy days of summer!
Ministry Developers: On Monday the Ministry Developers got together for their first WebEx meeting for the month of July. We all said our good-bye’s to Warren as he wrapped up his work here in Wyoming. I remember a line from a movie in which a football player was badly injured in a car accident. The couch was praying for him and he responded, “Coach, I am badly injured, but I am not DEAD!” Warren may be leaving Wyoming but he is still a dear and close friend to all whom he worked with over the past three years.
I also had a chance to catch up with Tristan briefly has he gets his feet wet in his new position. He will do just fine. He wants to find ways to connect the Diocese through enhancing communication based on the fine work of Andy Kerr. We are off to a good start.
I was the Police Chaplain on duty for week and so I was able to attend a couple of briefings and got to do a ride along on Saturday. Along with the chaplain duty I am looking at getting some DiSC training so that I can become a facilitator of this wonderful group building tool. It may seems like I was really busy (perhaps I am in a bit of denial), but it didn’t feel like it.
What is coming up? Monday is a WebEx day. Starting at 8:30am the Ministry Developers will be meeting for about an hour and then that evening the Ministry Developers along with the Regional Reps will be getting together on the WebEx for general check in and finding out how we can be supportive for the final leg of the bishop election and installment. Between the WebEx meetings I will be heading to LSRV for the bi-monthly Summer Bible Café starting at 2pm. Wednesday I will be found at Kraft Hall between 10:30am to 12pm for office hours. As it turns out it is a light week for appointments and so I will be working on other various projects as the summer days drift on by. Have a great week!