It is really interesting how events can change so quickly in one days time. Wednesday I had a full day lined up, but by the time the day was complete I finished my sermon that I was planning on writing on Sunday. Then the sermon that I was planning on preaching at St. James in Encampment changed because I was going to preach and preside at St. Barnabas in Saratoga. Advent is time for preparation, but prepare for what (smile)? As it goes to for planning … the difference between me and God is that God KNOWS that he is not me! I hope this letter finds you well.
St. James (Encampment): On Saturday I received a phone call from a member of the church. As it turns out two people where planning on attending church and she wanted to know if I wanted to make the trip for two people. My response was sure, after all I wrote a wonderful sermon and I wanted to share it with the congregation (the wonderful sermon is subject to debate!). Then I received a call from St. Barnabas confirming my meeting with the congregation. As it turned out the fine folks of Encampment were willing to change their plans and worship with St. Barnabas (in the spirit of working together and for me it meant that I could address two congregations in one meeting). Today (Sunday) I received a text message informing me that the people of St. James in Encampment were sick. It all turned out ok in the end. I am looking forward to Christmas Eve worship event in Encampment!
St. Paul's (Dixon/LSRV): I made it to Baggs last Friday to spend some time answering questions for the second part of the Social History for those who are entering the process for the call to Holy Orders. Similar to my week, the snow was blowing, then the sun was out, then it was cloudy, and the wind was either blowing or not. That was just for the trip to Baggs. Linda laughed at one point as she looked out the window and saw a whiteout taking place. I smiled and said I am not worried and I was right. The weather cleared right up. Much like the social interview in the midst of chaos there is clarity. I have been working with Linda for about seven years and I am still learning more about her every day. Linda, Jill, Julie and I have been reading a book called Christianity-The First Three Thousand Years written by Diarmaid MacCulloch. The concepts that the author are talking about and the way they are put together is very complex, however the way the material is presented is well done and accessible. This is going to be a good book study.
St. Thomas (Rawlins): Last Wednesday I was schedule to meet with a couple to continue with their marriage counseling (mostly preparation for the couple since they are newly married) and one of the parties had to work so we changed our plans. Thursday I meet with the Ministry Support Team and we discussed various events and happenings that are taking place at St. Thomas (going around the wheel that looks at – worship, pastoral care, administration, formation, and transformation). I have also pointed out that the members of this team have met their one year commitment and so we talked briefly about how to include others in this work in the future. After the MST meeting I spent some time with the vestry as they too discussed activities that are taking place at the church from an administrative perspective. The installing and building handicap accessibility bathrooms will be a major project for 2011. Most people know when a building project at this size does tend to disrupt things and in this case for the right reasons!
St. Luke (Medicine Bow): On Monday I received a call from Arlend asking if I knew who was coming over to preach and preside. About three months ago I was planning on attending Landmark Form in Denver Colorado from December 9th through the 12th and 14th. As I turned out I changed my plans and so Jess Smith and I changed or service schedule. I was going to take St. James in Encampment and Jess was going to St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. Poor Alrend and Jess were spinning around trying to figure out who was where. I have also received useful direction as for Arlend's preaching licensing process.
Ministry Development (well it is a development): Sunday I had a good conversation with St. Barnabas (Saratoga). This started with a phone call from Ralph Hicks who was looking what and how to get licensed for preaching. That started two years ago. I helped Ralph put together a discernment group (similar to a MST). Today I explained the process of congregational development in that is it a process and not a program. The congregation liked the approach. It took seven years of driving by the church, help from Rev. Ray Griebs and with God's help. I am very hopeful for the future with St. Barnabas.
What is coming up?: Monday I will be heading reviewing a joint project with the Rev. Tom Fiske and Rev. Tristan English. Tuesday is the Gospel Study meeting at St. Thomas. Wednesday is office hours at Kraft Hall (Rawlins). Thursday is administrative day (sermon writing and etc.) Sunday I will be preaching and presiding at St. Paul's (Dixon); making a pastoral visit and enjoying ARK's Christmas program (having a birthday party for Jesus). Take care.