Well I finally got near a computer. For those who don't know, I had my house on the market for about a year. Our realtor walked through our house today and gave me some pointers on how to stage the house. We were the 2nd in a showing last week. So, I have been painting while the weather permits. It has been a good week two churches in Carbon County as they received news that their grant request have been approved. I say something big is going on. I hope this letter finds you well.
St. James (Encampment): I arrived at St. James in Encampment early enough to walk around the framed out parish hall. I used the new door that will provide handicap access to the parish hall and church building. I kept hearing comments like, “This is going to be nice when it is completed.” And, “This is so cool!” Prior to starting the service Nancy and I took a few moments to select some music and we were off. Now this is something to celebrate. A couple of years ago St. James did not have regular music nor a parish hall and now it has both! The roof is being replaced and so I saw sunlight pushing through the ceiling. Later this week I talked to Vonnie about somethings that we saw on Sunday and she said that the contractor is aware of them and everything has been checked out. It is really amazing what six people can do with some support from the Diocese. It is a wonderful blessing. Later that day I went and “harvested” chokecherries for Kellie.
St. Barnabas (Saratoga): Last Wednesday (9/7/11) I participated in session 5 which was scheduled for session 4 of LifeCycles. It was well prepared and the leader worked hard to have everything ready to go. The running understanding is if a person misses the session they will be selected to be a leader for the next session. This was all done in good humor. The Rev. Susan Dyers wrote a brief service in honor of 9/11 tenth year anniversary. Since St. Barnabas was going to have their Eucharistic Service on Sunday evening they invited first responders to be recognized that morning. It was well attended and St. Barnabas will be praying for these people throughout the year by name during the Prayers of the People. I arrived that evening to find people smiling and ready to celebrate around the Lord's Table and to be fed by God's sacrament of bread and wine.
St. Luke (Medicine Bow): They are excited about the possibility that they may have a restroom after all. I heard they discussed last Sunday about a possible location for the restroom. Now this is an important lesson that I remind myself from time to time, listen to those who live in the community for they know what they are talking about. What I am I referring to? I thought I knew the best location for the restroom and they come up with a better plan! They have even located a local contractor who is working on putting together a bid. Nice work and I am looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.
St. Paul (Dixon aka Little Snake River Valley): They are plugging along. I didn't see them last week, but that does not seem to bother them. Linda Fleming along with the Rev. Susan Dyer got together last Tuesday (9/6/11) for Title IV training. During lunch Linda told us that she didn't get to see much of Battle Mountain because of the clouds, but she was interested in checking out the work that has been done at St. James in Encampment and their parish hall. The entire LSRV (Little Snake River Valley) attending their annual BBQ which this year fell on September 11th. What a way to honor 9/11 by having a fest and to celebrate what is right in the world.
This guy got this figured out! |
St. Thomas (Rawlins): I met with the Ministry Support Team (aka MST) last Thursday (9/8/11) and we went around the “wheel” in which we shared what is taking place in pastor care, worship, transformation (aka outreach), formation, and administration. It is nice to get back in the grove after taking most of the summer off to play. The vestry meeting when well and they are happy to receive the news that the “lift” along with the new restrooms for handicap accessibility is paid in full. One member of the vestry was a bit nervous throughout the building project because St. Thomas went of faith that it would happen. He smiled and said, “Now I know what people mean by a faith budget!” The worship breakfast last Saturday was a great time of fellowship and laughter. All in all St. Thomas is in a good place now and they are looking forward to getting back into working on some ongoing formation.
What is coming up in this short week? Well most of my week is behind me at the moment. So, you will hear about that next week. I will be at St. Paul's this Sunday to preach and preside. Following the service we will all gather at the senior center for lunch. Talk to you soon.