Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here is a picture of us walking about in Joffa (spelling could be off).

Pilate summer's home that includes a fresh water pool in the Mediterranean. What fun!

Feeding the horses around the final battle ground (end times!)

Elisha's view of the world. Impressive!

Hello folks. My body is still trying to make the adjustments to the time change. I am sitting in the lobby of the hotel at the edge of the sea of Galilee. We arrived to late to get pictures, so those will appear tomorrow.

Our day started following Peter's foot steps in the first part of ACTS. Saw where Paul was going to be tried and he made the announcement that he is a Roman citizen and was sent to Roman. Herod was the Great because he was a great builder and build he did.

We say the location of the Transfiguration. To climb that mountain or hill a person had to be in good shape. I will write some more. Like I said my body is not quite adjusted to the change.


  1. Am glad you are having a good trip. What is really scary is the blog site says you have 8 followers. Followers? I am a follower of Doug??? :D
