November 22, 2009
Hello. This is Doug once again writing his weekly letter to the churches of Carbon County and beyond. This is Thanksgiving week and so I am going to stick with that theme for this letter. I have much to be thankful about. I hope this letter finds you well.

I will first start with the beginning of my week, which started with me heading to Rock Springs to spend some time with Linda Wilson. We will be working more as a team in Region 5 and helping one another with mutual support. It was while I was in Rock Springs that I received the news of Reba Sheehan passing away in her sleep on Sunday evening. That bit of news was both sad and joyful. Reba was a vital member of St. Paul’s in Dixon and she was vital all the way up to her death. She died at home and with out a struggle. I am thankful for knowing Reba and she was an amazing woman with quite a legacy.

Tuesday I was working on a newsletter contribution and hanging around the house. I also scheduled two personal meetings to get to know other community leaders of Rawlins. That evening I was on a web/phone meeting with the Regional Reps. We talked about how to continue to build on the success that was discovered with the Mustard Seed Projects (including possible grants request to support a ministry in transition) and we were asked to being talking to congregations to see how technology could be a benefit in communications. I am thankful that the Regional Reps and Ministry Developers are working together to make our Diocese a better connected community.

Wednesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We discussed such topics as how the Apostolic Teams are forming, opportunities for new faith communities, working more in tandem with other ministry developers, and technology. That evening I was invited to a “Don’t Meth with Me” presentation by Marathon Oil Company in which they make a Meth awareness event and they wanted to engage the shareholders of the community. It was one of the best attended events with the leaders of the community. One of St. Thomas’ own was one of the key players in putting this event together. I am thankful that the leaders of the church are engaged in making our communities a better place to live.
Thursday was a full day. It started with me going to Baggs to preside at Reba Sheehan’s funeral. The event was held at the local high school gym. Members of St. Paul’s were there to assist in the worship. The way the Little Snake River Valley community works is that an event of this size includes everybody so the pastor of the local church was on hand to give the eulogy and I was there to provide the homily. I say there were about 200 people in attendance. That evening I drove back to Rawlins and was able to meet with the Ministry Support Team of St. Thomas to discuss the life of the church and following that meeting I attended a vestry meeting. St. Thomas is working hard in preparation for next year. I am thankful for the leadership of both St. Paul’s and St. Thomas.

Saturday I was in Laramie for an Apostolic Team meeting. The meeting opened with general sharing among the leaders and we welcomed Rev Carol Peterson, Pat Walsh, and John Peacock and John Sullivan. Then we shared a case study of the Mustard Seed Project from St. Paul’s in Dixon. After we finished lunch we moved into talking about the Bishop search and because we were blessed with having both John Peacock and Norm Peterson in our presence we heard more about how the process is coming along and made future plans for the walk about. I am thankful that people from throughout Region 4 are willing to give up a Saturday to be together and those who came for the first time.

Sunday I was in Medicine Bow. St. Luke has completed Wade in the Water and is well prepared for Advent. A member of the church has been working hard to start a local pre-school in Medicine Bow. At every obstacle, i.e. financing, paperwork, and regulations this member has found away to stay positive and focused to move forward. When she was sharing where she was in the process a gentleman said, “Don’t worry, Jesus is coming,” which caused us all to start laughing.
I also give thanks for the fine folks of St. James in Encampment. This group of people worships, fellowship, and are a delight to be with. It often feels like a family reunion when I preside and they are quick to laugh, to roll up their sleeves to work on a project and manage to keep a good oral history of the Diocese.
Looking forward to this short, but busy week this is what is on deck for the Thanksgiving week. Starting on Monday I will be heading to St. Paul’s in Dixon to start Wade in the Water in which we will cover two sessions every meeting. We are also hosting to meetings one at 2pm for those who don’t like traveling at night and a second meeting for those who have prior commitments like jobs, families, and the like but can meet in the evening. Tuesday I will be making phone calls and getting ready for a little R&R. Sunday I will be in Fort Bridger (St. David’s) starting at 9am and then I will be in Green River (St. John’s) for an 11 am service with Wade in the Water session two.
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