It is the beginning of the third week of Advent for the Episcopal Church.
Advent is a time for preparation and anticipation of something wonderful is going to happen.
Anticipation can work in different ways, it can be exciting (just ask children about Christmas) and it also can be full of anxiety (just ask people about their Christmas shopping, meal planning, and calendar).
What we are faced with is a challenge.
Our response to this challenge can be rewarding and deeply satisfying and I welcome it.
My personal response to this challenge is to find the grace and gratitude in each day, in each conversation, and in each encounter with the attitude that I will discover something divine.
Ok, off the soup box and on to the happenings of
Carbon County!
I hope this letter finds you well.
Last Monday (Nov 30) I made a couple of phone calls and received a few myself. I was informed that a meeting was schedule on Saturday (Dec 5) and added that to my calendar. That afternoon I drove to Baggs to participate in the Winter Bible CafĂ© in which a group of people from St. Paul’s have been meeting faithfully for the past couple of years as they read the Bible from cover to cover. On this day the group started reading the Psalms. It was not later this week when I realized that one of the selections from the Revised Common Lectionary was Psalm 4. That is noteworthy to see how the two calendars intersected.
Tuesday (Dec 1) I worked on my sermon and got most of it written and then I went on “Facebook” (a social networking website) and one of my classmates from seminary posted two good questions. Who are the modern day prophets and where are our wildernesses? I pondered those questions for the remainder of the week. I also made some phone calls that day.
Wednesday (Dec 2) has become one of those days that my schedule has become full. It starts with a weekly web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We are currently working on a technology/communication project in which we will be able to host video conferencing throughout the Diocese with more ease. I am excited about the progress on this project and soon the churches will be receiving a letter outlining this work. We, as a group, are also putting together a roster for the next on-line learning opportunity that the Diocese as partnered with EDS to teach Ethics. Finally we had a general check in time. Then I was at Kraft Hall for a couple of hours. During my time at Kraft Hall I put together a proposed agenda for the Worship Team Breakfast for St. Thomas and talked to MaryBelle (the contact person for the team). That evening I headed to Denver.
Friday (Dec 4) I spent most of my day in Laramie. I got a chance to talk to Jess Smith (Associated Priest for Region 4) about changes that are taking place in the Region and began a conversation about how we will provide coverage for the churches in the coming year. After that wonderful cup of coffee I was able to catch up with Pat Walsh for lunch and got an up-date on his work with the Wyoming Wilderness Camp.
Saturday (Dec 5) I participated in a Worship Leaders breakfast at St. Thomas in Rawlins. We had a good discussion about the role of the presider and have prepared the schedule for the month of January. St. Thomas will be busy for the next couple of months. Upon finishing the breakfast I assisted in cleaning out the basement at Kraft Hall and in turn came across a wonderful sermon idea that fits nicely with the upcoming Sunday (Dec 13).
Sunday (Dec 6) I headed to St. Paul’s in Baggs to preside. Due to the cold weather the roads were in great shape (it was too cold for the snow to melt and therefore no ice). I was not sure what kind of attendance to expect, but as it turned out we had a nice crowd. The sun came out and everything was bright and shiny. After the service the Ministry Support Team met to discuss upcoming events like Christmas (Jesus birthday party) that will be hosted by ARK, annual meeting, pastoral visiting, bishop search, and etc. We also went over to the Senior Center for lunch.
This is what is on my calendar for the coming week. Monday I will be at St. Thomas to enjoy fellowship as a group of people continue to “green the church”. That afternoon I head to St. Paul’s for another session of Wade in the Water. Tuesday I have a relational meeting scheduled and a web/phone meeting pending. Wednesday is that full day again and this time I will be meeting with Karen Buckingham along with Linda Wilson from noon to about 3pm. Thursday I have a web/phone meeting and some administrative items to cover. Friday is the open house event for the renovated Diocesan office in Casper and all are invited to attend. It starts at 5:30pm and I will be there for the event. Sunday (Dec 13) is going to be a busy day. It starts with me presiding at St. Thomas in Rawlins and Pat Walsh will be making a brief presentation on the Wyoming Wilderness Camp. That evening (if Pat is up for it too) I will be attending ARK (Amazing River Kids) annual “Jesus Birthday Party” at St. Paul’s which concludes with everybody heading to Baggs for the Christmas parade.
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