Monday, February 8, 2010

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond

Hello fine folks of Carbon County and Beyond! It is time to gather around the table and add a leaf or two. It is growing. Before I get into the weekly events and sharing I want to share with all of you something important.

It came to my attention last week that listing blogs on this weekly posting could have been interpreted as campaigning for the next bishop of Wyoming. For any misunderstandings that I may have created, I want to apologize. It is my intention to communicate what is taking place and to provide information so that we all can make a well informed decision regarding the next bishop of Wyoming. Also I listed blogs to encourage others to find what is being posted as well as to encourage people to think about starting a blog for themselves as well. I see one of my roles as a Ministry Developer, is to connect with others and blogging is another means of doing just that. I do ask that you please direct your questions about the election process to Cindy King (St. Mark's-Casper) 307-259-2023 and John Peacock (St. Mark's-Cheyenne) 307-631-8914 Also the Wyoming List Serve that is monitored by Ann Fontaine is an excellent source for on-going developments. The Search for the 9th Bishop of Wyoming @ is another resource that people can access to get information about what is taking place. Again I want to say that I am sorry for any misunderstandings about my postings last week. I remain supportive in the discernment process and pray for God to direct our efforts for the future of our church.

Now on to the weekly events! Have you ever had a week that one attempts to pack two weeks into one? This past week was one of those weeks.

St. James: This past Wednesday I had lunch with the leadership of St. James (Encampment) in Rawlins. During our time together we discussed briefly about plans for the Apostolic Team Meeting on Feb 20, 2010 and to get a brief up-date on their plans for building a parish hall to be used for outreach and handicap accessibility for the church. We also set our next “lunch date” for March 10th for on-going checking in and connecting.

St. Luke’s: Again not much to report for this week. I am planning on presiding this up-coming Sunday @ 4pm. Perhaps I will have more to share next week. I am sure I will.

St. Paul’s: I was in Dixon last Monday (Feb 1) for a Wade in the Water Session Two. The first group met and we used a liturgical format to gather us into this learning experience. There was some good sharing and one person noted that we don’t celebrate our baptism like we would a birthday or another important event. Why not? That is not a bad idea. The second group didn’t meet and so I got an early pass to head home that evening. On Sunday I drove to Dixon and enjoyed spending some time with the fine folks of the Little Snake River Valley. They hosted their annual meeting following the service and they discussed upcoming goals. They are in good shape for the coming year.

St. Thomas: Last Wednesday I was hanging out at Kraft Hall. During my time there I made a couple of phone calls and scheduled a Ministry Support Team meeting for the coming week. I also called Norm Peterson and we discussed briefly how the selection process is going with the video compression site is going throughout out the Region. Now, we have 9 zones throughout the state and two zones in Region 4. St. Thomas has agreed to become a host sight for this zone that includes Dixon, Encampment, Saratoga, and Medicine Bow. Great news!

Evangelism: The team that Kathy has assembled (I am counted as one of the members) got together for a web/phone conference on Wednesday (Feb 3) evening for an hour. Kathy shared what she learned from an Evangelism workshop that was hosted at the Diocesan office. The team is also looking to make presentations throughout the state and if you are interested please contact me, Kathy -> or Roy -> They would love to visit your congregation and make a presentation.

Ministry Developer: This is where my week became really full! I drove to Denver early Thursday and arrived in Des Moines for the pre-Living Stones Workshop: More than Survival: Financial Concerns of Ministry Developers. This was an informative workshop that took place over Thursday evening through Friday after dinner. For the coming days and months I will be working with Linda Wilson and we will develop a presentation to share with the congregations that we work with and throughout the Diocese.

What does my week look like? Well by the time I get this letter sent it will be Monday evening and so I did make it to St. Thomas Gospel reflection and beginning to ponder the up-coming sermon. Monday afternoon I arrived in Baggs to join in the Winter Bible Café as St. Paul continues to read the Psalms and share what they discover. Tuesday I will be working on writing a sermon and writing a report for St. Thomas vestry. Wednesday I will be joining the Ministry Developers for the weekly web/phone call and then that evening participate in the Ministry Support Team Meeting at St. Thomas. Thursday through Saturday I will be in Casper for training on the compress video equipment and to attend the Latino Ministry Workshop. Sunday I will be presiding at two services with the first service at St. Thomas @ 9:30 am in which they will recognize the ministries of the church. The second service will be held at St. Luke @ 4pm in Medicine Bow. Have a great week!

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