March 14, 2010
Hello everybody it is time to gather around the table to listen to the stories of the churches of Carbon County and see how they are woven into the larger story of Wyoming. This was one of those very busy weeks in that every day last week I was engaged in some church event, conversation, or meeting. However there seems to be relief on the horizon as we as a Diocese move very quickly to electing the next bishop of Wyoming. I hope this letter finds you well.

St. James (Encampment): Sunday (today) I was presiding at St. James in Encampment. Like the saying goes when two or more are gathered in Christ’s name God will be there when I walked in and saw a lovely couple sitting quietly waiting for me to arrive. They were expecting Jess Smith; however we are still working into a regular worship schedule. St. James will have Holy Eucharist every two weeks, but Jess and I will switch from time to time. They were quick to point out that they would keep me as well. Whew that is a relief. Last Wednesday (March 10, 2010) I had lunch with the other half of St. James leadership in Rawlins. We talked about the nominees and they shared their thoughts and they continue to discern. They also shared with me that they had a great Wade in the Water session last week and the sharing is open and engaging. The parish hall planning is currently on hold as they are waiting to hear back from a contractor for bids.

St. Thomas (Rawlins): Last Tuesday (March 9, 2010) I attended the third of four sessions of Wade in the Water (ok you can sing the song to yourself now) in which we open up our time by reviewing the word “authority”. My contribution was way too much (like getting a glass of water from a fire hydrant). The simple description was something like – a power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior; and or a convincing force. And we talked briefly about “religious” the study and a following of God. Then we launched into the session. I realized that St. Thomas has come a long way with a shared understanding of who they are as a church and it has moved from an institution to more a people. Not bad. Thursday (March 11, 2010) I met with the Ministry Support Team for about an hour. During our time together we starting a different of setting the agenda in which we bring all the items for discussion and then decide which ones we want to talk about first and move down the list. We also talked about formation for a confirmation class of four people this year. I stayed for the vestry meeting and was on hand to answer questions about Wyoming Wilderness Camp and the compress video equipment.

St. Paul’s (Dixon): Last Monday (March 8, 2010) I was in the “valley” for the spring bible cafĂ© event. This group continues to read the bible one book at a time, chapter to chapter. We are working through the book of Psalms and we read each one out loud and from different versions of the bible. Then we all share our thoughts and impressions on what was read. The pattern is becoming clear in which there is a lament and then praise. Linda Fleming said that she things the Revised Common Lectionary selects the psalms and highlights the laments and the praise. I think she is one to something.

St. Luke’s (Medicine Bow): I don’t have much to report this week. I need to catch up with those folks sometime this week to see how they are doing. Jess was out of town this week and so this Sunday they had Morning Prayer with Arlen leading the service.
Ministry Development: On Saturday I went to Casper for two events. The first one was to meet with Evangelism team and we continue to practice on how to reflect and identify ways to see God in everyday actions in our lives. Then I headed over to St. Stephens for a double ordination of Kay and Tristen. You can find some great pictures at this web-site:
St Stephens Casper Ordination and yes there are a couple of pictures of me in there as well!
What is coming up this week? Monday and Tuesday I am sticky close to home and getting some administrative tasks complete. Wednesday I will be on the weekly web/phone check in call at 8am with the Ministry Developers and be found at Kraft Hall from 10am to 12pm. That evening I will be attending the 4th Session of Wade in the Water at St. Thomas that starts at 5:30pm. Thursday I will be taking the day off. Friday I will be heading to Laramie early and then register for the election of the next bishop of Wyoming. Saturday is the big day for the Diocese of Wyoming and may our lives be forever changed! Sunday I will be presiding at St. Paul’s (Dixon) @ 10:30am.
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