April 11, 2010
Oh where did the time go? A week of Easter season is now under our belt and there is much more to come. It is starting to feel like spring out there, with the kids getting restless and wanting to spend more time the outdoors, and yes I am too getting a bit restless for the coming summer months. Linda Wilson (Ministry Developer for Region 5 and supporting in Region 6) and I both in agreement, for the coming month and half our goal is to get our lives situated in such a way that we can enjoy a summer of playing and relaxing. Ah, the Easter spirit lifts a heavy heart! I hope this letter finds you well.
St. James (Encampment): I called and talked to Roxan during the week and found out that she is traveling more than I do for the past couple of weeks. She told me that she was up north for part of the week. When I caught up with her she was heading back to Encampment, “I traded a lame horse for my grand-kids. I think I got the bad end of the deal.” Well she encouraged me to call Lois to talk about doing a Wade in the Water Session, but the week got away from me. When I arrived with Olivia this Sunday it was only the two of us. So, we walked around the block and realized that I miss-communicated about going to St. James. As we headed home I drove around Encampment to see what was taking place. As it turns out they are working on the roads and they are muddy! My car almost got stuck! However, some fancy driving I broke out of the mud got back on dry ground and stayed on the pavement!
St. Thomas (Rawlins): On Wednesday I spend a couple of hours at Kraft Hall. There I located and made copies of Ministry Role Descriptions in preparation for the Ministry Support Team Meeting on Thursday evening. While I was at it I wrote a quick report for the vestry and reviewed my dates for the coming week. On Thursday I sat down with the MST and we spend most of our time reviewing customaries for weddings. There needed to make some changes and then make present them to the vestry for their approval. We also talked about starting a Wednesday morning prayer service and to continue with “Traces of Glory” for Prayers of the People. We had some other items to discuss but that will be saved for another time. An encouraging development is that there is becoming more interest in Wyoming Wilderness Camp this year and they may be sending a camper.
St. Paul’s (Dixon): Last Monday I drove to the valley for the Spring Bible CafĂ© event. We have been reading the psalms and reflecting on what we hear and think. When I arrived I discovered they have brand new tables for the parish hall. The section of Psalms we read was about praise, protection, and rejoicing. Hum … it seems appropriate for the season. The travel was nice and the valley is starting to shift into spring time mode which is fine by me!
St. Luke’s (Medicine Bow): They are doing pretty good in Medicine Bow. Arlen is looking at an aging roof and so he had somebody come by and give a bid on it. The suggested roof will last longer than I would live and it could take that long to pay for it! Not really, but the sticker price was a bit high. Not to worry Arlen has some other leads. Soon we will start planning on some summer events and invite people from all around the region to attend.
Ministry Developers: Last Wednesday I met with Andrew Kerr was we worked on getting prepared for the Latino/Hispanic WebEx meeting for this coming week. On Friday I headed to Casper to meeting with Margaret Babcock and Linda Wilson as we reviewed my goals for congregations and Diocesan level work. We have a full plate but nothing I cannot handle. Yes, I did manage to take a day off from the Church and really enjoyed it.
What is on deck? Well starting on
Monday I will be heading to St. Thomas (Rawlins) for the Gospel Reflection meeting for some sermon prep. I will also be sending out WebEx invitations for the Evangelisms and the Ministry Developer’s weekly meeting.
Tuesday I am planning on catching up with a member of St. Paul’s for a getting to know one another better meeting. That evening will be the Latino/Hispanic WebEx meeting starting at 5:30pm.
Wednesday I will start my day with a WebEx meeting with the Ministry Developers, head over to Kraft Hall for a couple of hours, meet with the leadership of St. James for lunch and finish my day with an Evangelism WebEx meeting at 7pm.
Thursday I will test the compress video equipment and get ready for a presentation about liturgy and architecture on Sunday (a live feed from Thomas the Apostle Center).
Friday I will get caught up on wedding plans. That sounds like summer is right around the corner!
Sunday I will be found in two churches starting at St. Thomas (Rawlins) @ 9am, then open the video conference event @ 2pm, then head to St. Paul’s (Dixon) for an evening service that starts at 5pm.
Hey can somebody put Jesus back in the tomb? It is sure busy around here with the news that he is risen!
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