Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County

Talk about the dog days of Summer! I have not seem to find them. With the rapidly approaching Carbon County Fair Days (starting on Saturday August 6th) it is nice to play hard. In some ways it feels like Fair Days are the climax of the Summer and once they are completed there is a period of time to slowdown and enjoy the fruits of the labor. For the most part it is quiet around Carbon County. I will provide a quick snap shot of what has taken place for the past week. I hope this letter finds you well.

St. Thomas with their building project is taking an other important step toward completion putting in a sewer line. The outside of the addition is mostly complete and the final touch-up points are not too far way. It will be nice to see this project complete and I pray that it will be a gift that will keep on giving far into the future. I also spoke to the Senior Warden today and we were noting how smoothly things have been going around St. Thomas. Where she wanted to give the credit to the members of St. Thomas, and rightly so, I also pointed out that her leadership style had an important role. The VBS went well and it was good to see faces of people who consider themselves members of the church, yet are not always attending on Sunday morning. They are important and vital members of the church and when they host an event like Vacation Bible School everybody is touched. It takes EVERYBODY to be the church.

For St. James there is not much to report for this week. Like I said last week they are working hard to prepare for the 2nd Annual Regional Wide Gathering on August 21st and will be needing to hear from the other churches in the Regional to get a since of who is coming and what they will be bringing. What a good time to gather and for fellowship in the great outdoors of Wyoming in the summer. Don't worry about the roads conditions in the region, from all reports the washout and slide out have been temporary repaired and open for traffic.

I caught up with St. Paul after being on vacation and attending to other activities for most of July. The bi-monthly Summer Bible Cafe was hosted at the Art Center of Baggs (formally known as St. Luke's Episcopal Church) and the renters were in attendance. The renters (sorry I don't know there names yet) are from Texas and from the Hispanic culture. So it is nice to hear from a different perspective the readings of the Bible. Last Sunday St. Paul took the first part of the DiSC Training and it was a full group. I have to admit taking the paper assessment is a bit time consuming and so I am giving how to do this part of the training some more thought. All in all I believe people enjoyed themselves and we will be planning follow-up training in September.

I don't have much to report about St. Luke's this week. I heard that they have posted the church service schedule for the 3rd quarter. Arlen continues to work on his discernment and preparation for becoming a licensed lay preacher.

St. Barnabas has been one of the more active churches for the past couple of weeks. They continue to work on a pastoral issue with a person who they attempted to help over a year ago. This individual was offered an airline ticket, yet this person missed the flight and is still in the area. However, new polices are being made to address this type of situation if it comes up in the future. In the spirit of shared ministry, the policy will be shared throughout the region. Another activity that this church is working on is LifeCycles and they are taking ownership and leadership on the presentation of the material. I am getting a sense that this congregation has strong leaders and teachers in their midst and they may (in time) become a valuable resource to the Diocese.

What is coming up? Well it is Wednesday and so I will give an abbreviated schedule. Thursday will be an administrative day that will mostly focus on sermon writing. On Friday from I will be participating in a WebEx meeting that is hosted by the National Church to talk about the “Emerging Church” with an Episcopal favor. Then FAIR DAYS will begin on Saturday. Sunday I will be presiding at St. Thomas at 9:30 am and St. Paul's at 3 pm. See everybody around.

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