Monday, June 29, 2009

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond - June 29, 2009

Did you ever wonder that perhaps that God does this very thing with us? We extend out hand and God reaches for us. I know this is a play off a famous painting, but what the heck I like the up-date. =0)

Some sharing and pondering together. I love the light and the focused effort of the group to listen. This was taken in LSRV.

St. James being St. James laughing and not taking life too seriously.

This was taken at St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. I love how the light plays in the picture. It is warm and inviting.

June 29, 2009

Well put another month in the books! Where did it go? As I look forward I have a full July and I have this nagging feeling that I am not alone. Looking around the county briefly this is what I am seeing – St. Thomas has completed their sideway and parking lot accessibility project coming to a completion; St. Paul had their first Compline and Sharing gathering last week; St. Luke is most likely recovering from Medicine Bow’s 100 year celebration; and Encampment is enjoying the fine summer. As for me I am finding this month one of personal discernment. I hope this letter finds you well.

Monday was a day in the office and I found myself helping Kathy (fellow Ministry Developer) on the Evangelism Project. She is putting together a process of sharing stories to connect the church with the world and the world with the church. Soon this presentation will be on the road. Roy is working with Kathy on this project. More details about this will be coming out in the following months.

Tuesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We had general check in which includes what is happening with the Mustard Seed Project, Apostolic Teams, and other events in our regions. We also talk about personal developments and the like. We are currently working on discernment in a form of writing scenarios. We also had a report about the COM meeting and began planning for our face to face meeting in July. Given that we have been working with this technology for about a year or so we are becoming comfortable with it and our time together is productive. It is hard to imagine that a couple of years ago we would be doing meeting together on-line with such ease.

Wednesday I made a couple of follow-up phone calls about the Apostolic Team meeting for Region 4 and that evening I went to Little Snake Rive Valley (LSRV) for a Compline and Sharing gathering. This is a summer event that has been taking place for the past 6 or more years. It is a time for the members of St. Paul’s along with others to gather outside build community and have a meal. I brought my famous Italian Soup along with the recipe and the theme was about fond memories around a meal. The weather was perfect for such a meeting.

On Thursday Warren Frelund, Karen Buckingham and I had a working lunch in Rawlins. It was a good time to gain clarity about the Transitional Diaconate. I like Warren’s working definition - Transitional Diaconate – To gather (or pull) people into the Diaconate Ministry of the Church during this time of transition with the clear understanding that upon ordination into the priesthood the ministry(s) will handed off the gathered leadership in that ministry(s). So this will occupy most of Karen’s work until she is ordained into the priesthood.

Saturday was the Apostolic Team meeting for Region 4 and we gathered in Laramie for our face to face. We opened with a liturgy from LifeCycles which included a check in time. Then we talked about Mustard Seed Projects, had a teaching item about private/public relationships, and then moved into business. Our business was about the Bishop search and sharing of Diocesan resources for congregational development. We talked briefly about working on a mission statement and shared lunch together. It was a productive time together.

Sunday I was in Fort Bridger and Green River. As I drove to that part of the state I was amazed to still find snow in the mountains. We are having a very cool spring and early summer. The folks of St. David’s (Fort Bridger) were happy to see me and they are doing great. The lost their musician due to graduation and now seeking another one. St. John’s (Green River) is doing great. At the conclusion of the service a group of ladies got together and headed over to Salt Lake for an Art Festival.

The remainder of the week looks like this – Monday I am heading for Laramie with Kellie for a doctors appointment. Tuesday I am planning on working a resolution for Safeguarding God’s Children and preparing a baptism service at St. Thomas. Wednesday I will be on the weekly web/phone check in with the Ministry Developers and will be on a web/phone meeting with EDS that evening. Thursday I will be heading to Green River for a Wade in the Water – Session 3 starting at 6:30pm. Friday I will be in Laramie to work on a personal project and then head to Wheatland for the 4th of July weekend.

I will be at Wyoming Wilderness Camp also formally known as HR Wilderness Camp all of next week. I will be blogging my experiences and you can check it out at this address - I will include pictures and videos and I hope not to disappoint.

Be well my friends,


Monday, June 22, 2009

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond - June 22, 2009

Here is a picture of St. Thomas' VBS that they hosted last week. They played games, learned about how powerful God can be (ironic or Divine planning with the assigned Gospel Reading) ate "bugs and boils" and I didn't realized that the Pharaoh was actually a woman! They had about 20 kids in attendance!

This is another one of those ironic images. It was taken in Medicine Bow (St. Luke's) and it was the set-up for Wade in the Water presentation. The irony of this is that this church does not have running water. Nevertheless they continue to gather twice a month to worship. This weekend Medicine Bow will be celebrating their 100 year of incorporation as a town! The party will go for three days or more!

Here we find the faithful putting up a banner for Pentecost. This banner looks really nice and fits well with the church. It has added the right amount of color to this already colorful church. When you get to Dixon check it out! It looks nice.

It is always nice to see people smiling at church. St. James in Encampment is one of those places. Encampment was hosting their annual Woodchooper's Festival in which people get to show off their woodcutting skills. The day was beautiful and if we keep having these kinds of days we would have a population problem in Wyoming!

Here is a veiw of Carbon County. This was taken on the Medicine Bow Highway. Along with natural extration industury in Wyoming this part of the state (along with areas as well) has been agressive in developing windmill technology. These windmills go right up to the road. I though the low fog made an nice effect.

June 22, 2009

Hello this is Doug coming from Carbon County Wyoming! Where the cool weather continues to play games with plants, the residents who struggle to determine what to wear outside, and the wind blows our blues away! It is full summer time fun. I hope this letter finds you well.

The mornings around Carbon County are very pleasant. They begin with the sunshine coming up and warming everything up which has been cooled down during the night. Because of the rain and moisture that we have been receiving the grass is really green, the leaves on the trees are striking, and the dew twinkles in the sun. The graveside service in Rawlins last Monday was just that, peaceful and brought the family measureable closer. The drive to LSRV was equally relaxing as I was able to look about and drink in the wonders of Wyoming and the views of open space. The summer café bible study is currently working through 2 Chronicles and I have to admit it seems like Solomon is a bit of an egomaniac because the bible reads it is all about him (not prophet to challenge him from time to time). The fellowship was rewarding.

Tuesday I was the host for the MDC Certificate Project Possible Learners for Project. This project is looking at developing a certification for future Ministry Developers. It is a collaborative effort of many different Dioceses throughout the country (and I believe one from Canada) and EDS. As this work becomes more visible through the United States is important to increase the training and competences of our leadership. This is edge cutting stuff.

Wednesday I was again hosting a web/phone meeting for the pre-general convention for the Diocese of Wyoming. This year’s convention will prove to be a busy one as the National Canons will be working on Title IV (the disciplinary canon) to make it more congregant with reconciliation and restoration along with addressing health care insurance needs. Throughout all the meetings there will be social justice issues, small churches needs, liturgy, and the list goes on and on. The Diocese is working on keeping everybody informed through the General Convention through the use of technology (twitter, blogging, and e-mail).

Thursday I drove to Green River for a second session of Wade in the Water. This session we looked at how big and how small we make God. The group is working hard on this material and I am impressed on the level of commitment that I am seeing through the summer. I am praying that the seeds of their effort will take root and many fruits will be blooming because of their willingness to gather and listen to God in community. Friday I took my laptop with me to Laramie and worked on scenarios with Linda Wilson. I think we are ready to go this week.

I started my Sunday in Encampment. Olivia volunteered to come along with me and made sure that she was up in time to go. We arrived to many smiling faces and good cheer. The day was up to par and so was the fellowship. St. James in Encampment now has fully embraced the summer time activities which mean that are playing hard. The town itself was having their annual woodchoppers’ festivities. That afternoon/evening I was at St. Paul’s in Dixon. I arrived around 4pm to see if there were anybody interested in working on Pastoral Training with the Eucharistic Visitors, but spent time walking around outside looking at all the work that is being done to the building. Before we got started I had a chance to catch up with Linda Fleming and we put together the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region 4 agenda. The gospel reading was about quieting storms and the rain was coming down! As we gathered for Prayers of the People the sun came out and lit the church up nicely. See God silenced the storm! (Ok that may be a bit over the top, but what the heck!)

The Honduras Mission Trip for 2009 is on their way. There is a blog site that is set-up so that we call can follow their adventures and pray for them as they go about expanding God’s Kingdom. You can follow the blog at this link

The remainder of the week looks like this – Monday I am working around the office at home. Tuesday is an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. Wednesday I will be heading to LSRV for their summer Thanksgiving and Compline Service starting at 6pm. Thursday I will be found at Kraft Hall for an hour and then Warren, Karen, and I will meet to discuss the transitional deaconate. After that discussion Warren and I will be working on a resolution for Safeguarding God’s Children. Saturday I will be in Laramie for the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region 4 at Canterbury House starting at 10 am and wrapping up at 2pm. Sunday I will be in Region 5 for Holy Eucharist services; Fort Bridger @ 9am and Green River @ 11am.

Be well my friends.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond - June 14, 2009

This guy looks like he is up to something! Perhaps it is because he is having too much fun with Wade in the Water in Medicine Bow. In any event this person is always looking for ways to build up the church.

Here is a picture of the faithful gathering every Sunday at St. Paul's in Dixon. It is a delight to worship with these fine folks of the Little Snake River Valley.

Yes this picture was taken a year ago. The children always bring good cheer to our churches in Wyoming. This picture was taken in Encampment at St. James.

This gentleman is a wonderful grandfather in his own rights. This child is not related to him, however he does not pass up an opportunity be blessed by the presence of babies. It can feed the soul. (St. Thomas in Rawlins)

June 14, 2009

Hello folks of Carbon County. I hope the June month has been pleasant and rewarding. Looking around the County this is what has been taking place – St. Luke’s has completed one session of Wade in the Water; St. Paul’s working through the summer month with their Summer Café bible reflection; St. Thomas is going to have VBS this upcoming week. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday was a quite day in sorts. I mostly hung around the office at home and worked on various projects like sermon prep, reviewed e-mails, and got ready for the web/phone meeting with the regional reps. When the meeting was beginning we realized that the phone call was scheduled for a different time, nevertheless, we worked through the slight scheduling and technology issue can carried on. The major pressing piece of work for this group is helping the Diocese make more available the Safeguarding God’s Children training for our churches and communities. We have decided that we will look at scheduling regional presentations along with those congregations who wish to host a local training in their congregations. During our web/phone conversation we also did a general check in as well to listen to what is taking place throughout the Diocese.

Wednesday was another web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We follow-up on our conversation with the regional reps and Safeguarding God’s Children and will include some work that Kathy has done around this work when she was a director of a pre-school. We also did some general check in which some attending funerals, trainings, transitions in Region VI and V, and other various personal happenings. The Ministry Developers are using a tool called scenario planning as a way of looking into the future (in some predicable and intentional way if that is even possible – smile) and we were reminded to work on our area of assignment. The reminder of the day was spent on preparation of up-coming Wade in the Water session in Medicine Bow, sermon, phone calls and the like.

Thursday I was in Kraft Hall in Rawlins for a couple of hours. I spoke with Kathleen Ford about baptism preparation in July in Rawlins, helped plan the service on Sunday and hung out to field questions and requests. I worked a bit on my part of the scenario planning which is about writing a story about a response and challenge in the Diocese. Friday was much the same.

Saturday I drove over to Medicine Bow and meet with the fine folks of St. Luke’s. They have decided to go through Wade in the Water educational program this summer. The primary reason is that during the winter travel is a bit of a challenge and an important member of the congregation heads south after Christmas and does not return until Easter. This seems to be the best time to get together. We had a carry in breakfast and started the first session. It was a good time.

Sunday I was at St. Thomas in Rawlins. Karen Buckingham, newly ordained into the transitional diaconate, had return from her trip to Oregon and this was the first Sunday for us to work together as a worship team. I will admit it felt different working with a deacon during a service and I like it. There was a birthday to be celebrated by one of the younger members of the congregation and we blessed the wonderful 4 year old.

This summer seems to be taking a lighter and laid back approach this year. I am being a bit more intentional about slowing down to rest and play during these months. I have found this to be very beneficial for my spiritual and mental well being. Yet the work continues to be done as the leadership of our Diocese continues to work toward the call of the next bishop, General Convention this year that starts in August, and to continue to listen to what our next steps will be in our journey with God. I really hope that people of this wonderful state take time to enjoy the many blessings that we are given from God.

The up-coming week looks like this – Monday I will be attending a graveside service in Rawlins starting at 9am and St. Thomas will kick off their VBS for the week. On Monday afternoon I will travel to LSRV for their summer café bible reflection. Tuesday is a working day for me in which I will be hosting “MDC Certificate Project Possible Learners for Project” web/phone meeting starting at 1pm. Wednesday is the regular weekly web/phone check in with the Ministry Developers at 8am. That afternoon I will host Pre-General Convention web/phone meeting starting at 4pm. Thursday is office hour day at Kraft Hall from 10-12pm in Rawlins. Thursday I will be driving to Green River and hosting the second session of Wade in the Water at St. John’s starting at 6:30pm. Friday I will in Laramie working on my personal project. Throughout the week I am planning on stopping by St. Thomas and seeing how the VBS is coming along (and taking pictures). It looks like Saturday will be spent with the family (and maybe fishing). Sunday I have two services with the first one in Encampment at St. James starting at 9am and the second service in Dixon at St. Paul’s. Before the service at St. Paul’s I will be leading training for pastoral care for one hour.

Be well my friends!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Pictures June 1, 2009 (from Carbon County Wyoming)

Here is a fun loving group as they hand a baby back and forth. The child began to cry and so the two adults (and I use that term lightly) started to blame each other for "pinching" the baby. All in due time the child settled down and all was well. This picture was taken at the St. Thomas worship breakfast.

This picture was taken at St. James in Encampment. I like posting these pictures to give people a sense of the variety of churches that are found throughout Wyoming. These churches are vital in special and wonderful ways. They are also a big part of our lives that operate behind the scenes and I hope are not forgotten in the bishop search.

Again here is another picture of one of the smaller churches of Wyoming. This was taken in St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. It carries a can do attitude. The congregation gathers at the Methodist Church in Medicine Bow alternating Sundays.

This is a "snow bird" who has deep roots in Little Snake River Valley. She plays music during the summer at St. Paul's and leads another singing group in the valley. They put on quite a show in the summer and she also hosts "Compline and Thanksgiving Services" at her campground during the summer. Welcome back.

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond - June 8, 2009

Hello folks I have been hearing reports of snow in the high country here in Wyoming. Yes, it is June and it is still snowing in parts of Wyoming. What a wonderful place that is full of diversity and we have the blessings to live here. I remained for the most part in Carbon County this past week (I went to Laramie this past Friday) and starting to notice a bit of a slow down on the activities as we all shift to a summer rhythm of being. I hope this letter finds you well.

This past Monday I drove to LSRV (Little Snake River Valley) for a bible refection. This faithful group of people has been working through the bible one book at a time. Slowly I have watched the people ask questions and do a bit of personal research into the bible as they read. Others from the community have dropped in for a session or two and listened to what has been discussed. At the conclusion of every session there are cake/cookies along with coffee or tea. I have to remind myself that the road construction season is now upon us here in Wyoming and to plan for about an extra 15 minutes when I travel.

Wednesday I was on the weekly web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We are starting to work on a scenario planning process to assist us in planning for our future together. That evening I was on another web/phone meeting with EDS (Episcopal Divinity School) as I am a member of a group of other Ministry Developers from other parts of the country who are helping other come and coming ministry developers learn their trade.

Thursday I drove over to Green River for the first session of “Wade in the Water” which is a program that helps people learn more about the power of baptism. Our baptism is foundational in our understanding of Shared Ministry and the more people have a common and shared experience and knowledge about baptism the more likely it will be for us to work together in making the world a better place to live.

Friday I was in Kraft Hall working with Rachel on preparing baptisms for the month of July. St. Thomas has two families who are going to enter our family of God and we are working on putting together the service, planning the preparation of those who will be baptized along with the sponsors and the like. That afternoon after I worked on my personal project I caught up with Pat Walsh for a quick bit to eat. We talked about Wyoming Wilderness Camp (aka HR Wilderness Camp) and all that will be taking place there this summer. I am scheduled to be a Spiritual Director for the Middler I and II Camp that will be in session from July 5-10th. If anybody is interested in attending please submit your application which can be found at this web-site and

Saturday in the morning I attended a worship breakfast for St. Thomas. We lined up the July services and talked briefly about the upcoming baptisms. After the breakfast the MST (Ministry Support Team) met and discussed topics like the Bishop’s Search, Mustard Seed Projects, and scheduling a Ministry Review this fall. Among other items discussed was my vacation that I will be taking in July starting on 20th and conclude on the 26th.

The reminder of the week looks like this – Monday I will be on a web/phone meeting with the Regional Reps starting on 5pm. Tuesday, it looks like it is becoming a regular day off and I am happy about that. Wednesday there will be a web/phone meeting with the ministry developers. Thursday I will be at Kraft Hall for office hours between 10 am to 12pm. Saturday I will be in Medicine Bow for their first session of “Wade in the Water”. Sunday I will be at St. Thomas (Rawlins) for a service that starts at 9:30 am.

Opps I forgot about Sunday (June 7, 2009) and it was a full day at St. Paul’s in Dixon. It started on Sunday morning at 9:30am in which I led a class on Pastoral Care in which we learned the difference between Servanthood vs. Servitude. Servanthood is more “have to” where servitude is a choice. After that class I presided at HE II. From there the group regrouped in the parish hall to have a brief MST (Ministry Support Team) meeting in which reports was made about activities and education opportunities that are taking place at St. Paul’s. Not missing an opportunity with a gathered group of people, St. Paul had their listening day and will be sending their report into the bishop search this week. To conclude the day we all had lunch at the Senior Center.

Be well my friends.


PS The bishop search group has now posted a web-site to keep people informed about the process, check it out at

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pictures of Carbon County - June 1, 2009

As you can see there is good cheer at St. Luke's in Medicine Bow.

I have include a picture of the front of the church for those who ever decide to travel to Encampment they will find the church. It is located on the side of a hill on the south part of town. As you come into Encampment the road will turn to the right, at that point go straight up the gavel road and you will find the church on the right hand side about a block up.

The reception of Karen Buckingham's ordination. The bishop is talking a member who travels between two churches in Carbon County (St. Thomas in Rawlins) and (St. Paul's in Dixon).

The geraniums at St. Paul's in Dixon. A yearly event! Looks great!

Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond - June 1, 2009

Lordy, Lordy where did the month of May go? It is now June 1st and that means summer is either here or will be very soon. With the arrival of summer most people take off and go play for the three months of ideal weather. I will be one of those crazy people who attempt to cram in 4 to 5 months of play into 3. Don’t think it is possible? Well … who would have thought that one person could have such an impact on human history. On to what is taking place in Carbon County and Beyond … Pentecost was celebrated yesterday and at St. Paul’s in Dixon they celebrate this event by giving away geraniums and St. Thomas had (Rev.) Kay Rhode come to preside and preach. I am not sure what happened at the other churches I work with because I was in Region V to preside at St. David’s at Fort Bridger and St. John’s in Green River. One funny thing that happened at those churches was the absence of music. The more incredible thing was, although music contributes to the worship experience, the worship experience went without a hitch. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday was Memorial Day and I took the opportunity to play with the family and we went to Encampment and Saratoga for a day trip. Tuesday Linda Wilson and I met with the leadership of St. John’s in Green Rive to discuss what is taking place with the Mustard Seed Money and their Thrift Shop. As it turns out they have discovered a growth area in their relationships and are open to learning new things. I believe the Mustard Seed Money has planted some fruitful seeds.

Wednesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. Technology is providing some useful ways to gather from around the state. These meetings have a check in period built in along with working on projects. The Ministry Developers are working on discerning our work and seeing what our future holds. After the meeting I was bit bleary from staring at a computer screen and I was ready to move about the great outdoors.

Thursday I traveled to Lander for a focus listening session with clergy from around the Diocese as we move forward to calling the next bishop of Wyoming. It was a productive two hour meeting with Linda Anderson from Worland leading the conversation. As in every search we ask of the “ideal” bishop that can do everything. (With honest humor) I noted that we need somebody who can walk on water and be resurrected from time to time when the work gets overwhelming. With all kidding aside there was honest conversation and areas that have been identified that we see as strengths and areas that need some work. It was a good time to connect with good friends and to talk.

On Thursday afternoon I drove from Lander to Casper to participate in an Evangelism project that Kathy Robinson along with Roy Walworth is working on. The idea was to model a theological reflection where we first identify God working in the world and who is God’s family in the story. It was a blessing to work with such a diverse group of people from Marilyn from Laramie, John from Cheyenne, Joe from (Region 1) Thermopolis, and Kay from Casper. The “debrief” session was also informative as well. I want to also send congratulations to John Peacock who is now working for the Wyoming Association of Churches (I hope I got that right) as their director.

Friday I was assisting the fine folks of St. Thomas as they prepared their Pentecost Service on Sunday. Kay Rhode had sent a liturgy that is specially designed for Pentecost and it was decided that printing out the entire service would be the best approach. As I was running about assisting on that project that rest of the staff was working hard in getting their newsletter out the door. It was buzzing in Kraft Hall.

Sunday I was in Region V. Like I said earlier all the singing was unassisted by music. St. David’s had people arrive dressed in red for the occasion and we were blessed by having a cute child looking about and giving me puzzled looks like who are you? St. John’s was a fun service as the humor and good cheer was present. During coffee hour I learned about Mark Twain and his ability to shake up the church with friendly challenges. Statements like “In the New Testament God found away to pursue people beyond the grave.”

The rest of the week looks like this. Monday I will be driving to LSRV for their Summer Café bible reflection @ 2pm. Tuesday (I hope not everybody faints away) I will be taking a day off to work on some projects around the house. Wednesday I will be on the weekly check in web/phone meeting with Ministry Developers. Thursday first I will be having office hours at Kraft Hall in Rawlins from 10-12pm and then I will be heading to Green River for the first session of “Wade In The Water” program @ 6:30 pm. Friday I will be in Laramie to work on a personal project. Saturday there is a worship breakfast for St. Thomas at Kristi Bakery @ 8am and the Ministry Support Team of St. Thomas will be meeting following the breakfast at the same location. Sunday I will be heading to St. Paul’s and this is how the day will play out, first I will be hosting a Pastoral Care training before the service. At 10:30 am the service will start. Following the service there will be a Ministry Support Team meeting and then we will head over to the Senior Center for lunch.

Be well,
