This is another one of those ironic images. It was taken in Medicine Bow (St. Luke's) and it was the set-up for Wade in the Water presentation. The irony of this is that this church does not have running water. Nevertheless they continue to gather twice a month to worship. This weekend Medicine Bow will be celebrating their 100 year of incorporation as a town! The party will go for three days or more!

Here we find the faithful putting up a banner for Pentecost. This banner looks really nice and fits well with the church. It has added the right amount of color to this already colorful church. When you get to Dixon check it out! It looks nice.

It is always nice to see people smiling at church. St. James in Encampment is one of those places. Encampment was hosting their annual Woodchooper's Festival in which people get to show off their woodcutting skills. The day was beautiful and if we keep having these kinds of days we would have a population problem in Wyoming!

Here is a veiw of Carbon County. This was taken on the Medicine Bow Highway. Along with natural extration industury in Wyoming this part of the state (along with areas as well) has been agressive in developing windmill technology. These windmills go right up to the road. I though the low fog made an nice effect.
June 22, 2009
Hello this is Doug coming from Carbon County Wyoming! Where the cool weather continues to play games with plants, the residents who struggle to determine what to wear outside, and the wind blows our blues away! It is full summer time fun. I hope this letter finds you well.
The mornings around Carbon County are very pleasant. They begin with the sunshine coming up and warming everything up which has been cooled down during the night. Because of the rain and moisture that we have been receiving the grass is really green, the leaves on the trees are striking, and the dew twinkles in the sun. The graveside service in Rawlins last Monday was just that, peaceful and brought the family measureable closer. The drive to LSRV was equally relaxing as I was able to look about and drink in the wonders of Wyoming and the views of open space. The summer café bible study is currently working through 2 Chronicles and I have to admit it seems like Solomon is a bit of an egomaniac because the bible reads it is all about him (not prophet to challenge him from time to time). The fellowship was rewarding.
Tuesday I was the host for the MDC Certificate Project Possible Learners for Project. This project is looking at developing a certification for future Ministry Developers. It is a collaborative effort of many different Dioceses throughout the country (and I believe one from Canada) and EDS. As this work becomes more visible through the United States is important to increase the training and competences of our leadership. This is edge cutting stuff.
Wednesday I was again hosting a web/phone meeting for the pre-general convention for the Diocese of Wyoming. This year’s convention will prove to be a busy one as the National Canons will be working on Title IV (the disciplinary canon) to make it more congregant with reconciliation and restoration along with addressing health care insurance needs. Throughout all the meetings there will be social justice issues, small churches needs, liturgy, and the list goes on and on. The Diocese is working on keeping everybody informed through the General Convention through the use of technology (twitter, blogging, and e-mail).
Thursday I drove to Green River for a second session of Wade in the Water. This session we looked at how big and how small we make God. The group is working hard on this material and I am impressed on the level of commitment that I am seeing through the summer. I am praying that the seeds of their effort will take root and many fruits will be blooming because of their willingness to gather and listen to God in community. Friday I took my laptop with me to Laramie and worked on scenarios with Linda Wilson. I think we are ready to go this week.
I started my Sunday in Encampment. Olivia volunteered to come along with me and made sure that she was up in time to go. We arrived to many smiling faces and good cheer. The day was up to par and so was the fellowship. St. James in Encampment now has fully embraced the summer time activities which mean that are playing hard. The town itself was having their annual woodchoppers’ festivities. That afternoon/evening I was at St. Paul’s in Dixon. I arrived around 4pm to see if there were anybody interested in working on Pastoral Training with the Eucharistic Visitors, but spent time walking around outside looking at all the work that is being done to the building. Before we got started I had a chance to catch up with Linda Fleming and we put together the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region 4 agenda. The gospel reading was about quieting storms and the rain was coming down! As we gathered for Prayers of the People the sun came out and lit the church up nicely. See God silenced the storm! (Ok that may be a bit over the top, but what the heck!)
The Honduras Mission Trip for 2009 is on their way. There is a blog site that is set-up so that we call can follow their adventures and pray for them as they go about expanding God’s Kingdom. You can follow the blog at this link http://wyomingdiocese.blogspot.com/
The remainder of the week looks like this – Monday I am working around the office at home. Tuesday is an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. Wednesday I will be heading to LSRV for their summer Thanksgiving and Compline Service starting at 6pm. Thursday I will be found at Kraft Hall for an hour and then Warren, Karen, and I will meet to discuss the transitional deaconate. After that discussion Warren and I will be working on a resolution for Safeguarding God’s Children. Saturday I will be in Laramie for the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region 4 at Canterbury House starting at 10 am and wrapping up at 2pm. Sunday I will be in Region 5 for Holy Eucharist services; Fort Bridger @ 9am and Green River @ 11am.
Be well my friends.
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