Did you ever wonder that perhaps that God does this very thing with us? We extend out hand and God reaches for us. I know this is a play off a famous painting, but what the heck I like the up-date. =0)

Some sharing and pondering together. I love the light and the focused effort of the group to listen. This was taken in LSRV.

This was taken at St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. I love how the light plays in the picture. It is warm and inviting.
June 29, 2009
Well put another month in the books! Where did it go? As I look forward I have a full July and I have this nagging feeling that I am not alone. Looking around the county briefly this is what I am seeing –
Monday was a day in the office and I found myself helping Kathy (fellow Ministry Developer) on the Evangelism Project. She is putting together a process of sharing stories to connect the church with the world and the world with the church. Soon this presentation will be on the road.
Tuesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We had general check in which includes what is happening with the Mustard Seed Project, Apostolic Teams, and other events in our regions. We also talk about personal developments and the like. We are currently working on discernment in a form of writing scenarios. We also had a report about the COM meeting and began planning for our face to face meeting in July. Given that we have been working with this technology for about a year or so we are becoming comfortable with it and our time together is productive. It is hard to imagine that a couple of years ago we would be doing meeting together on-line with such ease.
Wednesday I made a couple of follow-up phone calls about the Apostolic Team meeting for Region 4 and that evening I went to Little Snake Rive Valley (LSRV) for a Compline and Sharing gathering. This is a summer event that has been taking place for the past 6 or more years. It is a time for the members of
On Thursday Warren Frelund, Karen Buckingham and I had a working lunch in Rawlins. It was a good time to gain clarity about the Transitional Diaconate. I like Warren’s working definition - Transitional Diaconate – To gather (or pull) people into the Diaconate Ministry of the Church during this time of transition with the clear understanding that upon ordination into the priesthood the ministry(s) will handed off the gathered leadership in that ministry(s). So this will occupy most of Karen’s work until she is ordained into the priesthood.
Saturday was the Apostolic Team meeting for Region 4 and we gathered in
Sunday I was in
The remainder of the week looks like this – Monday I am heading for
I will be at Wyoming Wilderness Camp also formally known as HR Wilderness Camp all of next week. I will be blogging my experiences and you can check it out at this address - http://holypilgrimage2009.blogspot.com/ I will include pictures and videos and I hope not to disappoint.
Be well my friends,
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