August 23, 2009
Oh the lazy days of August summer! I think it is starting to act like summer around
This past Tuesday spent some time working on my contribution to the Evangelism project that has been leading. My specific task was to create bookmarks that could be handed to people throughout the Diocese. Kathy was happy with my work it is nice to learn a bit more about how to use Microsoft Word in new ways. I also worked on setting out a joint Apostolic Team meeting between Regions 4 & 5 that is scheduled for August 31, 2009. We will be using WebEx and I am becoming more familiar with how to make it work for our communication purposes. I am also planning on working with Andy to fine tune the process!
Wednesday the ministry developers had a limited amount of people on the weekly web/phone check in due to vacations and other activities. Those who did get on the call we had a chance to learn more about using WebEx by experimenting with different commands and choices that are offered. We try this and that and even those who are not completely comfortable with technology got in on the action and had some fun playing around. That afternoon I up-dated the Wyoming Wilderness Blog site and I can tell you Pat has been one busy dude this summer! That evening I met with the family of (Frank) Les Chessbrough from Medicine Bow. Les was 97 years old at the time of his death. The family lives in Rawlins, but they wanted to have the memorial service in Medicine Bow.
Thursday I traveled to Green River ( discussion. One question that was asked was what did you learn and one person noted that she always saw baptism was a means to staying out of the place that nobody wanted to go; but now she sees baptism as an invitation into ministry. What a moment of transformation.
Friday I talked to
Sunday I returned to Medicine Bow for the church service. I noted laughter and some great singing. Jane Ross came to us from
The up-coming week looks like this – Monday is an administrative day in which I am planning on making phone calls, writing a contribution to a newsletter and the like. Tuesday Andy and I will be playing around with WebEx and increasing our ability to use this platform for our communication purposes. That afternoon I will meet with a group of people in
Be well my friends.
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