Well the month of August is about in the books. I hope your summer has been one full of wonderful surprises, interesting discoveries, and good memories. School is right around the

Before I get going to far into reporting what has happened the past week, I was unable to make it to Fort Bridger and Green River for Sunday services. On Saturday night I hit a deer on I-80 right before Creston Junction. I am fine, but my car is off the road for the time being. Aw the joys of living with wild life so close to us.
Last Monday I caught up some administrative duties, got a newsletter written, scheduled a couple of meetings for the month of September in Rawlins, and helped put together a WebEx meeting for the Ministry Developers Collaborative. Tuesday I managed to connect with Andy as

Wednesday I was on the weekly web/phone meeting with the ministry developers. We talked about what is taking place throughout the Diocese and received a book assignment for all of us to read. I am looking forward those discussions. There are some exciting events happening throughout the Diocese in different ways. I can tell the church is reorienting themselves for fall activities. Wednesday afternoon I had a great conversation with Jess Smith as we talked about Wyoming Wilderness Camp and other items about the work that we share. He has opened up for me another area worth exploring in spiritual discernment.
Thursday I meet with Karen in the morning as we mapped out the next three months of work. It was a good meeting and Karen has a clear focus with her formation work. I am looking forward

The up-coming week looks like this – Monday there will be a joint Apostolic Team meeting on the web with Regions 4 & 5. Tuesday may be a day to deal with transportation issues. Wednesday is the weekly ministry developer web/phone meeting with an evangelism web/phone meeting that evening starting at 7pm. Thursday will be office hours at Kraft Hall in Rawlins and given if I have a set of wheels I will be going to Laramie to work on my personal project. Sunday I will be working with (Rev.) Warren Frelund at St. Paul’s in Dixon with a presentation and discussion about Deaconate ministries following the service.

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