Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31, 2009 - Letters to the Churchs of Carbon County and Beyond

Here is a picture of a gathering called "Winter Bible Cafe" in which a group of people from the LSRV meeting every two weeks to read through the bible. They read the narrative and ask questions about what they read. Following the time together there are always pie and coffee!

Here is a picture of St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. The stain glass is really shinning in this picture.

Here we find two members of St. Thomas doing a bible study during the Apostolic Team joint meeting in Rawlins on Saturday March 28, 2009. You can see that the group deeply engaged the text. This group had a fast turn around was fully prepared for the Bishop's visit the next day that included a baptism.

Here is Dick from Laramie sharing a childhood memory. It was a part of the icebreaker exercise in which items that were provide by from the Wasinger girls. People where to share something with a partner from their childhood using their chosen object. Then their new friend would share what they learned to the larger group. It went well.

March 31, 2009

Well folks it is the end of March. Easter is looming large in our vision of the future. I had the opportunity to take a day off on Monday (yesterday) and took it. Here is what is going on around Carbon CountySt. Thomas hosted a joint Apostolic Team meeting for regions IV and V and had their bishop visit that included a baptism. St. Paul – working on training of their Eucharistic Visitors and preparing for Holy Week. St. James is plugging along. The weather has created some travel issues, but what else is new when it comes to Wyoming in March? St. Luke is plugging along and I didn’t miss the chance to tell a friend of mine who now travels to Medicine Bow that there is an active Episcopal Church in that community. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday (3/23/09) was a St. Thomas day. It started with a book study of “The Bible for Today’s Church” in which the group explored Chapter 9 “What the Bible Teaches”. One person noted that the bible has a history, the church, has a history and so does the people of faith. It is all connected and ongoing. Overall the group felt that bible scriptures are opening up new vistas of understanding and insights. That afternoon I connected with Kathleen Ford to review how baptismal certificates are filled out. She was placed in charged to make sure that everything was taken care on Sunday and I heard all went well.

Tuesday was an administrative day, phone calls and the like. I am currently working with EDS (Episcopal Divinity School) to develop an on-line course called “Ministry Development for Ministry Developers: Practical Skills for Ministry Developers” and we are working toward our final presentations as I write.

Wednesday the Ministry Developers had their weekly web/phone check in time that lasted an hour. The main focus of our time was the Mustard Seed Project and how we can become more of asset for the congregations that we work with in this vast field of mission in Wyoming. This work is ongoing and much will be revealed in the future.

Thursday I was schedule to drive to Green River, however the weather had other ideas. Bill called me from Green River and informed me that the roads were really bad. I listened to his description and decided to stay put for the day. So I made a couple of phone calls to discuss the upcoming Apostolic Team meeting on Saturday.

Friday I spent the morning at Kraft Hall helping them planning the upcoming coming baptism and bishop visit. I also helped Cassie prepare the Livingstones for mailing. That afternoon I ran around securing food and other items for the Apostolic Team meeting on Saturday.

Now you may get a sense that the Apostolic Meeting on Saturday was looming large in my vision. It was. However, it all came together quite nicely. We had representatives from the entire southern half of the state in attendance. We also discovered that we have many connections with our congregations and it may be a beautiful beginning of a large network.

Looking forward to the remainder of this week – Wednesday I will be on my one hour weekly check in call with the other Ministry Developers starting at 8am. That evening I will be on a web/phone call with the Evangelism Team starting at 7pm. Thursday I will meet with Karen to help her with technology issues and that afternoon I am planning on heading over to Green River (I shall see!). Friday I will be at Kraft Hall between 10-12pm. On Sunday I will be at St. Paul’s (Dixon) for Palm Sunday service, followed by a Ministry Support Team (MST) meeting. Be well my friends.



Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009 - Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and Beyond

Here we have three generations of one family in church. You can tell the youngest member is really enjoying having her picture taken. This congregation gathers in Encampment, Wyoming.

Again here is a picture of generations of one family in St Paul's in Dixon Wyoming. This is a forth generation picture. As you can see the the stable and continued spirit of God working through out the ages!

Here is a picture of a book study as it is taking place at St. Thomas in Rawlins Wyoming. One of the greatest pleasures of these studies along with the fellowship is the food. The leader always comes well prepared.

Here is an image of a person who recovered quickly from sickness. When I talked to him on Friday he was very sick and was having a hard time getting out of bed. I kept the conversation short. When I arrived on Sunday there he was all ready to lead worship. WOW.

March 22, 2009

How did St. Patty’s Day treat you? Did you get pinched to ensure that you got the luck of the Irish? As I write this letter I am setting in Medicine Bow and I can hear the train whistle blow from time to time. A quick look around Carbon County looks like this, St. Luke continues to enjoy favorable travel weather as its members are visiting family this weekend; St. Paul hosted a soup dinner on St. Patrick’s Day and listened to me share my trip to Israel; St. James has celebrated a wedding in Colorado; and St. Thomas continues to grow into Shared Ministry. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday was one of those rare days in which I remained in Rawlins. I spent the day making phone calls in my effort to gather an Apostolic Team for Region IV. I also reviewed some material that was sent by Margaret in preparation for our all day web/phone meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday. Monday was another day I was able to keep up with my weekly correspondence and sent out the Letters to the Churches of Carbon County. In a way I attempted to keep the day light, but that does not always work out that way. Tuesday was some more of the same.

Wednesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We discussed such topics like Mustard Seed Projects, what effort has been put forth to start Ministry Reviews with the congregations we work with, technology and communication ideas, Wyoming Visitor Weekend, evangelism, stewardship, and other miscellaneous items. Among all this business we did a general check in to listen to what other developers are doing in their respective regions. Yet, after all this I was still able to sit down and talk to a person about joining the Region IV Apostolic Team. It was a full day.

Thursday was a day that was more focused on tasks than communication. I did some preplanning, a project for EDS, and setting up rooms on the Adobe Connect for other meetings. I was also available to help Linda Wilson set up a web/phone meeting for Region VI Apostolic Team. That evening I made my Holy Land Trip presentation to the Knights of Templar (this is the organization that paid for my trip). Friday was another day in the office to write a sermon, talk to Jess Smith about Easter Services and other various tasks like communicating with Pat about the Winter Fest in Rock Springs. Friday evening I was at St. Thomas (Rawlins) vestry meeting explaining the next steps for Karen Buckingham’s process. They are in the home stretch!

Saturday I met with the Ministry Support Team or MST for an hour. I made a promise to keep it to one hour and we reached our goal! Even though it was one hour we covered all the ministries of St. Thomas and planned the upcoming Bishop’s visit and Holy Week. I also assisted ever so briefly with the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region II and III on a web/phone meeting.

Today (Sunday) I journeyed over to Medicine Bow and had to shake my head in bewilderment that by Monday the state will most likely be hit with a major spring storm. The views of spring were breath taking as I looked at the windmills slowly turning in the wind. I arrived, to my amazement, to see Arlen and Ida getting out of their car. When I spoke to Arlen on Friday he was not feeling well at all, but due to a speedy recovery he made it to Medicine Bow. As they say, when two or more are gathered in Christ’s name, God will be there and so we had a wonderful worship experience all sitting around the front of the church.

The reminder of the week looks like this; Monday St. Thomas has a book study, “The Bible for Today’s Church” chapter nine starting at 9am. After the book study I am getting together with the Cassie at Kraft Hall to lay out the church service for the Bishop’s visit on the up-coming Sunday in Rawlins. I am planning on attending the Spring Bible Café in LSRV weather permitting. Tuesday will be my unofficial day off. We will see. Wednesday there is the standing web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers at 8am. That afternoon I head to Laramie. Thursday I am planning on visiting with St. John (Green River) about developing a plan of action for the next couple of months. Friday I will be working sermon writing, visiting with folks and tie up any loose ends before the weekend. Saturday is going to be one full day and it starts with Region IV Apostolic Team meeting in Rawlins from 10am to 3pm. That evening I have been invited by St. Thomas to visit with the Bishop for dinner. Sunday my day will start with a service at St. David’s (Ft. Bridger) and then I will be at (St. John’s) for another church service. I am then planning on being present for St. James’ vision planning session in Encampment.

What a full week! Shalom my friends, Shalom.


Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009 - Letters to the Churches of Carbon County and beyond

The Altar Guild at St. Paul is one of silent work. This group of people quietly go about their work and prepare everything for the service. I just happen to "catch" them when they were setting up.

Here is a picture of the faithful at St. James in Encampment. It has been almost a month or two since I been there. The young family made it for the service and so we had kids help out with the service and according to tradition the "newest" member of the congregation (the person on the right) was incorporated into the service by asking her to lead the Prayers of the People.

Here is a picture of St. Thomas doing what they do well. The celebration of St. Patrick's day is in full swing. The picture itself was taken a couple of weeks ago, but that did not dissuade this group from having a party!

For the record that is Ice tea in my hand! A young girl asked me to put on this hat and so I did. Others around LSRV (Little Snake River Valley) could not let this photo opportunity get a way and so the picture was taken!

March 16, 2009

Hello folks of Carbon County and beyond, how is the season of Lent treating you? It feels like an in-between winter and spring. The calves are not quite ready to drop, basketball tournament time is gearing up (aka March Madness), the snow comes and goes, and the wind continues to blow around. Talking about blowing around lets take a quick look around the county; St. James continues to be a stable force in the midst of change (weddings and arrivals of old friends); St. Luke is plugging along; St. Paul has competed their discernment and I will get to that latter in this letter; St. Thomas continues to work through the season of Lent. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday I attended a book study at St. Thomas. The gathered group has been working through a book called “The Bible for Today’s Church” from the original Church Teaching Series. As a part of Karen’s formation process a group has been gathering about every two weeks to share their insights of this material. The session covered the entire Bible in a narrative form as another way to tell the stories. For the group they found this approach to be refreshing to see the Bible with a new set of eyes. As the exercise they went through the prayer that is found on pg 838 (For the Saints and Faithful Departed) of the Book of Common Prayer and looked at how well they identified those who were named. Great bible quiz!

Tuesday I did some correspondence both by e-mail and phone calls; mostly it was an administrative day. Wednesday I was one the weekly web/phone call with other Ministry Developers, we talked about the Wyoming Visitor Weekend (similar to the Northern Michigan’s Visitor Weekend) the successful move of the Diocesan office for the renovation (all mailing addresses and phone numbers will remain the same) a brief report on LifeCycles and general check in. It is amazing that we can cover so much in one hour. Thursday was another day for sermon writing and general correspondence. Friday I was contacting people all over Region IV to both remind them about the Apostolic Meeting on March 28, 2009 in Rawlins and the future of this group.

Sunday I presided at two services. The first service was at St. James in Encampment. Fred was not at the service and so the faithful people of this church carried on without their verger. The kids were most helpful in the collections of the alms and assisting me with the setting of the Table. They have planned a master planning session on March 29, 2009 @ 5pm to look at the church and begin to imagine the future which will include the Mustard Seed Project.

Sunday evening was in at St. Paul’s in Dixon a.k.a. Little Snake River Valley (LSRV) for a couple of things. One, the training for the Eucharistic Visitors or EVs has started. Jill will be leading these classes and helping others be prepared for this ministry. I made the announcement in regards to the outcome of the discernment process. The process that was used for this discernment followed these steps. One, the congregation does a discernment and submits names of people they see who are called to the priesthood. Those names would then be forwarded to the Bishop and Canon for Congregational Development. Once there is an agreement at that level the persons would be contacted directly for a time of personal discernment. It is when all three parties are in agreement then the names would be made public as discerned to enter the process to the priesthood. The purpose of this process is to give everybody freedom to respond to God’s call according to how they hear it. The persons who were discerned felt the call to continue with their ministries at St Paul and did not enter the process for Holy Orders. This is not an uncommon event; however I was told that the process was good because it provided the space for open and honest discernment without undue pressure to say yes or no. What happens next? St. Paul will continue to live into their identified ministries of the church and call again in a year’s time.

The remainder of the week looks like this: Tuesday I am heading to LSRV (St. Paul’s in Dixon) to make my presentation of my trip to Israel. This will include a dinner starting at 5:15pm and the presentation will start at 6pm. Wednesday is an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. Thursday is an administrative day and Friday evening I will be attending the vestry meeting at St. Thomas. Saturday St. Thomas will have a Ministry Support Team (MST) meeting @ 9am. Sunday I will be at St. Luke’s in Medicine Bow at 10:30am. I am looking forward to catching up those folks and reloading my picture album!

Shalom my friends, shalom –


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Postings of a Ministry Developer in the Diocese of Wyoming

This picture was taken back in January. I want to keep images from the different churches that I work with out in the public eye. Jim is the one who has his back to the camera and his wife, Roxan is the lady in the background. Their house is a wonderful place to meet and have fellowship.

Karen, the person walked toward the camera, and Patty (she is washing the dishes) and Kellie who is talking to everybody were wrapping up after a St. Patty's potato bar lunch following the service at St. Thomas in Rawlins. My girls were running about in the other room. St. Thomas knows how to put on a good lunch!

This building was not in use since my arrival in Wyoming from seminary in 2003. I heard that the town of Medicine Bow as able to secure a grant to start renovating this building. I have heard that the plan was to put in a childcare center in this location. Nevertheless, it is sure nice to see growth in the smaller towns of Wyoming.

This is a picture of the Minstry Support Team Meeting at St. Paul's that took place at the first of the month. I am really impressed by the smiles and the good times this group of people share with one another. This church has slowly grown over the past couple of years and I believe they have a bright future in front of them. For the Mustard Seed Project they have identified elderly care as an important ministry to engage.

This is a picture of Bruce and Carole working out the service before they got started. Carole did great. She was a bit nervous (we all are when we first get started) yet she kept her smile going. Her family pariticipated by reading, serving at the altar, and "vesting" her during the service. The place was packed and standing room only.

March 8, 2009

Hello fine folks of Carbon County and I hope those beyond this part of the state are doing well. It is the second week of March and already I am facing some important deadlines that involved the Diocese. I try not to worry about such things because God always helps me out when I need a helping hand. A quick around the county looks like this – St. Thomas (Rawlins) had a St. Patty day on Sunday with a bake potato carry in bar; St. Paul (Dixon) is working through their discernment; St. Luke (Medicine Bow) is still there along with St. James (Encampment). I hope to check in with St. Luke and St. James this week and see how they are doing. No news is good news! I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday I spent the day in Little Snake River Valley (LSRV) also know as Dixon and St. Paul’s. I had a great chance to sit and chat with Linda Fleming about what is taking place throughout the Diocese and asked for her to help me with forming an Apostolic Team in Region IV. I also talked to another parishioner of St. Paul about discernment. Overall it was good to be out of the “office” for a day.

On Monday evening I was on a web/phone conference with the ministry developers and the regional reps throughout the Diocese. We welcomed a new member from region VI (I think). We talked about Regional Confirmations and where they are being hosted and times. We did a general check in and shared that different apostolic teams are gathering, and the Honduras trip (June 20-July 2) is set and Kay with Gus are asking for people to apply soon.

Tuesday I spent the day in Fort Collins. I am a member of a coaching group that works on family system theory in relationship to our work in the church. It is good to talk to other priests from another tradition (Methodist so they are not that much different from Episcopal Church) about what is taking place in our respective churches. Yes, I am one crazy dude! But I am sure that doesn’t surprise anybody.

Wednesday I was on a check in call with the other Ministry Developers. We discussed what is taking place throughout the state. We were informed as of Thursday the Diocese office has physically moved to a different location so that the renovation can be completed in a timely fashion. Mailing address and the phone numbers will remain the same so we can stay in contact with the staff. Be patience with them as they unpack for the next couple of days. Warren shared what he has been doing on the National level in regards to Senior Ministries. With so much focus on youth is it nice to have a balance in our efforts in ministry. The 2nd Wyoming Weekend is this April and Warren is putting those details together as we speak. It is going to be a good event. Right when we were wrapping up the web-site “froze” and we lost all the minutes of the meeting. I attempted to recapture the meeting from memory. That was a challenge!

Thursday I met with Karen from St. Thomas in Rawlins to review the next steps for her as she moves toward the Transitional Deaconate. It has been said that we think in generality, but we live in detail (Whitehead) and when it comes to Karen’s process that could not describe it any better! I was planning on going to Green River that evening, yet I received a call and there were not enough people to make the trip. Bummer!

Friday I was in Kraft Hall and spoke to Shirley, Don, and Karen all from St. Thomas in Rawlins about different things. During that time I started to write a ministry developer report for the next vestry meeting and other administrative tasks.

Saturday St. Thomas has worship breakfast where we planned April services. That was an exercise in calendar aerobics. We did manage to get everything wrapped in time for me to drive to Casper and joined with Rev John Smylie, Jill and Cindy to drive to Kaycee for Carole Buckingham’s ordination into the priesthood. The church was full. So, full matter of fact that one bench broke and other one was in the process of breaking. Bishop Caldwell looked around and said that he will be knocking people right out of their seats! He almost did. The service when well and I noticed some favorable changes to the place since I have been there a couple of years ago.

Sunday I was in St. Thomas in Rawlins. We celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Lent and it is always a joy to see the children as they bounce up and down by the rail. Following the service I did a presentation about my trip to Israel and now ready to take my show on the road. I had some fun incorporating some video clips into it. My presentation was well received.

The remainder of the week looks like this. Monday I will be at St. Thomas (Rawlins) for a book study. Tuesday I am heading to Laramie for my personal project (I was scheduled to go last Friday but I had too many plates in the air). As it stands today most of my week will be spent on addressing administrative details and preparing a Eucharistic Visitor training for St. Paul’s in Dixon. The standing Wednesday morning web/phone conference with the ministry developers will remain.



Friday, March 6, 2009

The sound of one hand clapping!!!

This short clip got my attention. As I watched it was reminded of the question -- What is the sound of one hand clapping? The answer your hand hitting your forehead!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pictures from Carbon County and weekly up-date

Here is a picture of the Morrison's in action. They are getting ready for a service.

Ida is setting up the coffee hour after the service in Medicine Bow at St. Luke's. The church currently does not have a parish hall; however that might be resolved as we speak. The building across the street is being renovated.

What a picture of the fine folks of St. Paul's in Dixon. This is a Ministry Support Team meeting and please check out the background (the art work on the wall). This was done by the kids of ARK (Amazing River Kids) and it covers the walls of the parish hall.

This is a book study event at St. Thomas in Rawlins. Noticed all the books that are open on the table? The primary book for the study is "The Bible for Today's Church" from the original church teaching series.

March 1, 2009

Welcome to Lent a time to reflect, wrestle and ponder the many graces of God. It is a time of transition and shifting from one season (winter) to another season (spring and renewal). A quick tour around the area looks like this – St. James in Encampment is plugging along doing what they do best, being themselves; St. Thomas has received some good news, Karen Buckingham has received her letter of Candidacy for priesthood and working hard on their Mustard Seed Project and starting to generate interest on their addition to add an elevator and handicap accessible bathrooms; St. Luke is doing well and I do believe they have hosted a joint Ash Wednesday service in Medicine Bow; and St. Paul in Dixon has completed a community discernment process and now the individuals themselves are going to ask to discern the call themselves. I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Sunday (Feb 22, 2009) I made it over to Medicine Bow and worshiped with those fine folks of St. Luke’s. I was a bit surprised when I pulled up and found that my “parking space” has been taken over by construction equipment. That is a good thing. After talking to Arlen I found out that the city got a grant to build a childcare center and perhaps the church may have access to the building during off business hours. We shall see.

Monday I participated in a book study “The Bible for Today’s Church” and it was a good discussion. We talked about how interpretation plays an important role in reading and studying the bible. One part of the discussion was about different genres are used to express different meanings and then there was a brief discussion about how cultural events impact how the bible is read during different periods of history. From there I drove to the LSRV (Little Snake River Valley) for the winter café which they are reading the bible one book at a time. It was a good time to catch up and share what I have experienced in Israel. I don’t read the bible the same any more.

Tuesday was an all day web/phone conference with the Ministry Developers. We talked about what is taking place each of the regions, planning Holy Week services, discussed the development of Apostolic Teams throughout the state, and Wyoming Weekend to list a few items of discussion. Then I returned to LSRV for their pancake supper. It was a full day.

Wednesday was about catching up and getting ready for Ash Wednesday services at St. Thomas in Rawlins. Overall more of a day in “the office” so to speak and attempted to get caught up all on the activities and tasks that needed to be addressed during my time in Israel. Thursday I was scheduled to go to Green River, however there was not enough people available for the trip and it was decided that we should reschedule for this up-coming Thursday.

Friday I spent some time at Kraft Hall talking to people on the phone. That afternoon I headed over to Laramie to work on personal project. Saturday I drove to Casper and spent some time with the Presbyters of the Diocese. We talked about transitions and how we can live into the wilderness and not be too fearful of the wild beasts.

This Sunday (March 1, 2009) I presided at St. Paul’s in LSRV. The weather was glorious and it is a reminder that better days are coming. I have to admit being Lent it is sure hard to be somber with such great views of Wyoming. The church had a Ministry Support Team meeting following the service in which I heard about how “Cabin Fever” night was a success; planning services for April took place, and the next step of discernment for those who are called to the priesthood.

The reminder of the week looks like this – Monday I return to LSRV to talk with folks and begin the ramp up for the Apostolic Team meeting for Region IV in March. That evening I will be on a web/phone conference with the regional reps and ministry developers. Tuesday I am heading to Fort Collins to participate in a priest coaching group that helps me understand and use some of my family systems training in more effective ways. Wednesday I have the weekly check in call with my fellow Ministry Developers and that evening I will be on a web/phone conference with the Evangelism Team of the Diocese. Thursday I am planning on going to Green River to work on Rooted In God. Friday I will be found at Kraft Hall, yet I will be there earlier because I need to leave earlier to head to Laramie to work on my person project. Saturday St. Thomas will be having their monthly worship breakfast at 8:30 am at Kristi Bakery. Then Sunday I will be at St. Thomas to preside and following the service make a presentation of my time in Israel.

Be well my friends,


PS I have “changed” the blog of my trip to the holy lands. It now will include this posting so if you want to check it out feel free to ready about my trip and what is taking place in Region IV.