Here we have three generations of one family in church. You can tell the youngest member is really enjoying having her picture taken. This congregation gathers in Encampment, Wyoming.

Again here is a picture of generations of one family in St Paul's in Dixon Wyoming. This is a forth generation picture. As you can see the the stable and continued spirit of God working through out the ages!

Here is a picture of a book study as it is taking place at St. Thomas in Rawlins Wyoming. One of the greatest pleasures of these studies along with the fellowship is the food. The leader always comes well prepared.

Here is an image of a person who recovered quickly from sickness. When I talked to him on Friday he was very sick and was having a hard time getting out of bed. I kept the conversation short. When I arrived on Sunday there he was all ready to lead worship. WOW.
How did St. Patty’s Day treat you? Did you get pinched to ensure that you got the luck of the Irish? As I write this letter I am setting in Medicine Bow and I can hear the train whistle blow from time to time. A quick look around Carbon County looks like this, St. Luke continues to enjoy favorable travel weather as its members are visiting family this weekend; St. Paul hosted a soup dinner on St. Patrick’s Day and listened to me share my trip to Israel; St. James has celebrated a wedding in Colorado; and St. Thomas continues to grow into Shared Ministry. I hope this letter finds you well.
Last Monday was one of those rare days in which I remained in Rawlins. I spent the day making phone calls in my effort to gather an Apostolic Team for Region IV. I also reviewed some material that was sent by Margaret in preparation for our all day web/phone meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday. Monday was another day I was able to keep up with my weekly correspondence and sent out the Letters to the Churches of Carbon County. In a way I attempted to keep the day light, but that does not always work out that way. Tuesday was some more of the same.
Wednesday was an all day web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers. We discussed such topics like Mustard Seed Projects, what effort has been put forth to start Ministry Reviews with the congregations we work with, technology and communication ideas, Wyoming Visitor Weekend, evangelism, stewardship, and other miscellaneous items. Among all this business we did a general check in to listen to what other developers are doing in their respective regions. Yet, after all this I was still able to sit down and talk to a person about joining the Region IV Apostolic Team. It was a full day.
Thursday was a day that was more focused on tasks than communication. I did some preplanning, a project for EDS, and setting up rooms on the Adobe Connect for other meetings. I was also available to help Linda Wilson set up a web/phone meeting for Region VI Apostolic Team. That evening I made my Holy Land Trip presentation to the Knights of Templar (this is the organization that paid for my trip). Friday was another day in the office to write a sermon, talk to Jess Smith about Easter Services and other various tasks like communicating with Pat about the Winter Fest in Rock Springs. Friday evening I was at St. Thomas (Rawlins) vestry meeting explaining the next steps for Karen Buckingham’s process. They are in the home stretch!
Saturday I met with the Ministry Support Team or MST for an hour. I made a promise to keep it to one hour and we reached our goal! Even though it was one hour we covered all the ministries of St. Thomas and planned the upcoming Bishop’s visit and Holy Week. I also assisted ever so briefly with the Apostolic Team Meeting for Region II and III on a web/phone meeting.
Today (Sunday) I journeyed over to Medicine Bow and had to shake my head in bewilderment that by Monday the state will most likely be hit with a major spring storm. The views of spring were breath taking as I looked at the windmills slowly turning in the wind. I arrived, to my amazement, to see Arlen and Ida getting out of their car. When I spoke to Arlen on Friday he was not feeling well at all, but due to a speedy recovery he made it to Medicine Bow. As they say, when two or more are gathered in Christ’s name, God will be there and so we had a wonderful worship experience all sitting around the front of the church.
The reminder of the week looks like this; Monday St. Thomas has a book study, “The Bible for Today’s Church” chapter nine starting at 9am. After the book study I am getting together with the Cassie at Kraft Hall to lay out the church service for the Bishop’s visit on the up-coming Sunday in Rawlins. I am planning on attending the Spring Bible CafĂ© in LSRV weather permitting. Tuesday will be my unofficial day off. We will see. Wednesday there is the standing web/phone meeting with the Ministry Developers at 8am. That afternoon I head to Laramie. Thursday I am planning on visiting with St. John (Green River) about developing a plan of action for the next couple of months. Friday I will be working sermon writing, visiting with folks and tie up any loose ends before the weekend. Saturday is going to be one full day and it starts with Region IV Apostolic Team meeting in Rawlins from 10am to 3pm. That evening I have been invited by St. Thomas to visit with the Bishop for dinner. Sunday my day will start with a service at St. David’s (Ft. Bridger) and then I will be at (St. John’s) for another church service. I am then planning on being present for St. James’ vision planning session in Encampment.
What a full week! Shalom my friends, Shalom.
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