Sunday, March 8, 2009

Postings of a Ministry Developer in the Diocese of Wyoming

This picture was taken back in January. I want to keep images from the different churches that I work with out in the public eye. Jim is the one who has his back to the camera and his wife, Roxan is the lady in the background. Their house is a wonderful place to meet and have fellowship.

Karen, the person walked toward the camera, and Patty (she is washing the dishes) and Kellie who is talking to everybody were wrapping up after a St. Patty's potato bar lunch following the service at St. Thomas in Rawlins. My girls were running about in the other room. St. Thomas knows how to put on a good lunch!

This building was not in use since my arrival in Wyoming from seminary in 2003. I heard that the town of Medicine Bow as able to secure a grant to start renovating this building. I have heard that the plan was to put in a childcare center in this location. Nevertheless, it is sure nice to see growth in the smaller towns of Wyoming.

This is a picture of the Minstry Support Team Meeting at St. Paul's that took place at the first of the month. I am really impressed by the smiles and the good times this group of people share with one another. This church has slowly grown over the past couple of years and I believe they have a bright future in front of them. For the Mustard Seed Project they have identified elderly care as an important ministry to engage.

This is a picture of Bruce and Carole working out the service before they got started. Carole did great. She was a bit nervous (we all are when we first get started) yet she kept her smile going. Her family pariticipated by reading, serving at the altar, and "vesting" her during the service. The place was packed and standing room only.

March 8, 2009

Hello fine folks of Carbon County and I hope those beyond this part of the state are doing well. It is the second week of March and already I am facing some important deadlines that involved the Diocese. I try not to worry about such things because God always helps me out when I need a helping hand. A quick around the county looks like this – St. Thomas (Rawlins) had a St. Patty day on Sunday with a bake potato carry in bar; St. Paul (Dixon) is working through their discernment; St. Luke (Medicine Bow) is still there along with St. James (Encampment). I hope to check in with St. Luke and St. James this week and see how they are doing. No news is good news! I hope this letter finds you well.

Last Monday I spent the day in Little Snake River Valley (LSRV) also know as Dixon and St. Paul’s. I had a great chance to sit and chat with Linda Fleming about what is taking place throughout the Diocese and asked for her to help me with forming an Apostolic Team in Region IV. I also talked to another parishioner of St. Paul about discernment. Overall it was good to be out of the “office” for a day.

On Monday evening I was on a web/phone conference with the ministry developers and the regional reps throughout the Diocese. We welcomed a new member from region VI (I think). We talked about Regional Confirmations and where they are being hosted and times. We did a general check in and shared that different apostolic teams are gathering, and the Honduras trip (June 20-July 2) is set and Kay with Gus are asking for people to apply soon.

Tuesday I spent the day in Fort Collins. I am a member of a coaching group that works on family system theory in relationship to our work in the church. It is good to talk to other priests from another tradition (Methodist so they are not that much different from Episcopal Church) about what is taking place in our respective churches. Yes, I am one crazy dude! But I am sure that doesn’t surprise anybody.

Wednesday I was on a check in call with the other Ministry Developers. We discussed what is taking place throughout the state. We were informed as of Thursday the Diocese office has physically moved to a different location so that the renovation can be completed in a timely fashion. Mailing address and the phone numbers will remain the same so we can stay in contact with the staff. Be patience with them as they unpack for the next couple of days. Warren shared what he has been doing on the National level in regards to Senior Ministries. With so much focus on youth is it nice to have a balance in our efforts in ministry. The 2nd Wyoming Weekend is this April and Warren is putting those details together as we speak. It is going to be a good event. Right when we were wrapping up the web-site “froze” and we lost all the minutes of the meeting. I attempted to recapture the meeting from memory. That was a challenge!

Thursday I met with Karen from St. Thomas in Rawlins to review the next steps for her as she moves toward the Transitional Deaconate. It has been said that we think in generality, but we live in detail (Whitehead) and when it comes to Karen’s process that could not describe it any better! I was planning on going to Green River that evening, yet I received a call and there were not enough people to make the trip. Bummer!

Friday I was in Kraft Hall and spoke to Shirley, Don, and Karen all from St. Thomas in Rawlins about different things. During that time I started to write a ministry developer report for the next vestry meeting and other administrative tasks.

Saturday St. Thomas has worship breakfast where we planned April services. That was an exercise in calendar aerobics. We did manage to get everything wrapped in time for me to drive to Casper and joined with Rev John Smylie, Jill and Cindy to drive to Kaycee for Carole Buckingham’s ordination into the priesthood. The church was full. So, full matter of fact that one bench broke and other one was in the process of breaking. Bishop Caldwell looked around and said that he will be knocking people right out of their seats! He almost did. The service when well and I noticed some favorable changes to the place since I have been there a couple of years ago.

Sunday I was in St. Thomas in Rawlins. We celebrated the 2nd Sunday of Lent and it is always a joy to see the children as they bounce up and down by the rail. Following the service I did a presentation about my trip to Israel and now ready to take my show on the road. I had some fun incorporating some video clips into it. My presentation was well received.

The remainder of the week looks like this. Monday I will be at St. Thomas (Rawlins) for a book study. Tuesday I am heading to Laramie for my personal project (I was scheduled to go last Friday but I had too many plates in the air). As it stands today most of my week will be spent on addressing administrative details and preparing a Eucharistic Visitor training for St. Paul’s in Dixon. The standing Wednesday morning web/phone conference with the ministry developers will remain.



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