Here is a picture of a gathering called "Winter Bible Cafe" in which a group of people from the LSRV meeting every two weeks to read through the bible. They read the narrative and ask questions about what they read. Following the time together there are always pie and coffee!

Here is a picture of St. Luke's in Medicine Bow. The stain glass is really shinning in this picture.

Here we find two members of St. Thomas doing a bible study during the Apostolic Team joint meeting in Rawlins on Saturday March 28, 2009. You can see that the group deeply engaged the text. This group had a fast turn around was fully prepared for the Bishop's visit the next day that included a baptism.

Here is Dick from Laramie sharing a childhood memory. It was a part of the icebreaker exercise in which items that were provide by from the Wasinger girls. People where to share something with a partner from their childhood using their chosen object. Then their new friend would share what they learned to the larger group. It went well.
March 31, 2009
Well folks it is the end of March. Easter is looming large in our vision of the future. I had the opportunity to take a day off on Monday (yesterday) and took it. Here is what is going on around
Last Monday (3/23/09) was a
Tuesday was an administrative day, phone calls and the like. I am currently working with EDS (Episcopal Divinity School) to develop an on-line course called “Ministry Development for Ministry Developers: Practical Skills for Ministry Developers” and we are working toward our final presentations as I write.
Wednesday the Ministry Developers had their weekly web/phone check in time that lasted an hour. The main focus of our time was the Mustard Seed Project and how we can become more of asset for the congregations that we work with in this vast field of mission in
Thursday I was schedule to drive to
Friday I spent the morning at Kraft Hall helping them planning the upcoming coming baptism and bishop visit. I also helped Cassie prepare the Livingstones for mailing. That afternoon I ran around securing food and other items for the Apostolic Team meeting on Saturday.
Now you may get a sense that the Apostolic Meeting on Saturday was looming large in my vision. It was. However, it all came together quite nicely. We had representatives from the entire southern half of the state in attendance. We also discovered that we have many connections with our congregations and it may be a beautiful beginning of a large network.
Looking forward to the remainder of this week – Wednesday I will be on my one hour weekly check in call with the other Ministry Developers starting at 8am. That evening I will be on a web/phone call with the Evangelism Team starting at 7pm. Thursday I will meet with Karen to help her with technology issues and that afternoon I am planning on heading over to
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