The first week of August is now in the books. This turns out was one of those weeks where I had some plan on what to do and by the middle of the week my “carefully laid out plan” was out the window. As it turns out Friday was not really a day off from the church as I worked on writing a reference for a couple who are looking to adopt a child (which was a privilege to be asked to do). As the summer works on wrapping up I find myself doing some discernment about what it means personally to be a Ministry Developer and I discovered an event that has brought clarity to that question. I know that I am a priest and I have come to use the working definition that a priest gathers people around God. As priest in the Episcopal Church I have been called and given the authority by this Church to bless and grant absolution on God’s behalf. For me the Ministry Developer part of this ministry is not to only bless, but to recognize what ministries are already taking place in the midst of other people’s lives. This took place on Saturday as I was called upon to help a family put to rest their father who had died 18 months ago in California. Henry Smith Larson spent most of his formative years in the Rawlins area and his son and daughter-in-law thought it was best that he be put to rest in this part of the world. I was talking to Henry’s son and he told me that he is a medical doctor in the Air Force and had a tour in Iraq. He had a private practice back East, but he wanted to work with veterans and so he moved to Monument (a small town north of Colorado Springs, Colorado). As he was getting his car I told him that he was doing an honorable thing working with the veterans because he saw the same landscape that they did and shares a common experience. He belongs to that group and therefore can be accepted “as one their own.” He paused and said, “I didn’t think of that. Thank you that was important.” What I did was recognized what God was already blessing to this man’s work and vocation. Well on to the activities of the week. I hope this letter finds you well.
Seating of the Bishop (Laramie): It was a good day to gather with other Episcopalians throughout the region. As I pulled up I gave Ray Griebs a wave and found out that his house in Elk Mountain is under contract and that he needed to donate some of his books to the Cathedral Library. As I getting out my vestments I saw my old crew from Wheatland. There were four of us who all discerned together our calls to Holy Order, three priests and one deacon. We laughed about how we almost scared everybody out of taking any more Education For Ministry (EFM) at All Saints. As it turned out there were more people from Wheatland in attendance and they almost didn’t recognize me because the last time they saw me I was heading to seminary ten years ago.
Bishop Smylie was seated in proper fashion and he preached. During his sermon he jokingly pointed out that the Diocese of Wyoming has one of the highest if not the highest Cathedrals in the United States. He challenged the good people of St. Mathews to strive to be the Cathedral that is the closest to heaven. I do believe they are up for the challenge. During the service he received a crosier that was made of pine, aspen and walnut wood that he will be taking with him when he travels. The Diocesan crosier that is over a hundred years old, will remain in the bishop seat and pointed out to let others that Bishop Smylie is “on the road” throughout the state.
St. James (Encampment): I was scheduled to preside at St. James this morning but like I noted last week there would have been only one person there and that one person was in Laramie this Sunday. We talked about what is taking place around Encampment and they are in full haying season. As for the earlier part of the week I have made some phone calls letting other churches know that “Church in the Park” is rolling forward and St. James needs some sense of who is coming so they can order the meat. The deadline is NO later than August 12, 2010 and you can contact me if you or Vonnie at the following e-mail address - yasbell at gmail dot com.
St. Luke (Medicine Bow): I understand they will be having their annual rummage sale soon. I received reports that the Rounds have been running back and forth from Laramie to Medicine Bow taking up items and getting them ready to sale. I told them that they cannot sell my Book of Common Prayer that I forgot to pick-up when I was last there! The Rounds were also present at the Seating of the Bishop in Laramie and it was good to see them again.
St. Thomas (Rawlins): I was on hand to assist for Bob Woodhouse memorial service last Thursday. One of the perks of being a VTC (video teleconferencing) host site is the use of the equipment. The Woodhouse family wanted to have a slideshow playing during the reception on the high definition television which worked out well. I have already talked to Shane about the up-coming pre-convention test that will be taking place this week in which we are planning on using this equipment for that meeting. I talked about the graveside service that took place last Saturday. However, I didn’t get the chance to schedule the next MST and that is on deck for this week.
St. Paul (Dixon): Last week I arrived for the Summer Bible CafĂ© in which this group continues to work through the bible one book and chapter at a time. We are working through Proverbs and some of the topics we discussed where excuses and our need to watch out for them in our lives. Another topic was how being lazy does not have its rewards and finally we talked about the word discipline. The proverbs are pretty strong on this word and yet how do we live into the “spirit” of the author of proverbs without making this wisdom about control and abuse? This is an important and sometimes difficult balance to strike.
What is coming up? Monday is a full day of “web” meetings. It starts with a WebEx meeting at 8:30 am as I meet with my fellow Ministry Developers. Then at 2pm I will be on Adobe Connect with EDS hosting. I am one of the facilitators who will be assisting in a long distant learning event for the next eight weeks. The course is designed for those who are looking at becoming Ministry Developers in different parts of the country. That evening I will be on another WebEx meeting as the Regional Reps and Ministry Developers get together for their monthly meeting. Right when you think I was done for the day I will be heading to St. Thomas to meet with the worship leaders to schedule services for the month of September and that meeting starts at 7pm. Tuesday is a stay close to Rawlins day as I wait to hear from Tristan to schedule a test of the VTC. Wednesday I have office hours at Kraft Hall from 10:30 am to 12pm. Thursday I will begin preparing the Born of Water, Born of Spirit book study that I am encouraging the congregations that I work with to do as continuing their formation in Shared Ministry. Friday and Saturday is a wedding rehearsal and wedding respectfully of Jason Urasky and Nichole Smith of Green River. Then is it VACATION! Oh, did I mention that it is Fair Week around here?
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