It is hard to describe this week. In a sense I believe it was a “hinge” week as I am preparing for the coming Fall church season. What am I working on? I have been reading “Born of Water, Born of Spirit” these summer months and believe that this is a good resource for the congregations that I work with to read and have a discussion. St. Thomas has agreed to use this resource for their formation work this fall. It is my hope to talk to other churches throughout the Region to see what their levels of interest are and to invite them to also to consider this as a worth while endeavor.
I also reviewed LifeCycles material and I feel that I have rediscovered an important tool I that I can use to offer to the congregations that I work with. On Wednesday I used the opening and closing of LifeCycles session for the Ministry Support Team meeting and in my opinion the meeting was quite productive and had more of a worship perspective. I am using LifeCylces to also set the tone for the book study this fall.
In some ways this week a transition from the play hard summer months to more the rhythm of learning and discerning aspect of Shared Ministry. Formation work is beginning again as we all take this last week to play before Labor Day Weekend unofficially announces the end of summer. I have been in conversation with Rt. Rev Canon Vernon Strickland about a training that I am planning on taking in January of 2011. I have invited the worship leadership for Region 4 to plan out the next three months of Church Services and we will complete that this upcoming Wednesday. I am also in the middle of an on-line course with EDS as a facilitator for a group of people who are interested in learning more about Mutual Ministry.
In a sense it was one of those weeks where the work pace slowed down and I had some time to reflect on what has happened and where I am heading in the future. In some ways my future is clearer and other ways it still yet to be determined. What I have also encountered is the Divine. I am not anxious about what tomorrow holds and I really don't know what is right around the corner.
The news of St. Peter's in Sheridan reminds me about what my parents experienced when their church went through a similar event with their former rector attempted to take the church building, endowments, and other property to CANA. The Diocese of Colorado was successful in their defense in court and everything was restored back to the Diocese of Colorado. However the people of the church had to live through a painful period of uncertainty. As it turns out the Grace and St. Stephens Episcopal Church emerged as a healthy group. I know that St. Peter in Sheridan will need our support and prayers in the months ahead. Their world has been turned upside down. I pray that our Bishop is up to the task along with all the members of this Diocese to continue to be gracious and supportive for our sisters and brothers in the Northeastern part of the State.
What is coming up? Monday I will be on the weekly WebEx meeting with the Ministry Developers starting at 8:30am. Then I will be heading to Baggs for the last Summer Bible Cafe Session before it will be referred to as FALL Bible Cafe and that session will begin at 2pm. At 3pm I will be found at Linda Fleming's house to be hosting an Adobe Connect meeting with EDS. Tuesday I will be working on my sermon and making phone calls throughout the region. Wednesday I will be on another WebEx meeting in which I will be working with the leadership of St. Paul's, St. James, St. Thomas, and St. Luke's as we look at the last three months of 2010 and schedule church services. Sunday I will be presiding at two services first at St. Thomas at 9:30am and then St. Paul's at 5pm.
Have a great week.
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