I am coming to the belief that August is one of those months that I wake up and realize that it is the last month before school starts (which in code means Fall is here) and therefore it is imperative to do as much as possible in two weeks. I believe the goal was accomplished. Not only did I managed to get through Fair Week without losing all of my sanity and remained married (really it was not that bad) I also managed to get a few goals accomplished before vacation. When I got back there was productive Pre-Convention meeting and a wonderful “Church in the Park” event in Encampment. I hope this finds you well.
Ok, what to let people know about the past two weeks? To do this we need to first jump back two weeks ago (August 9th through the 14th) to understand the timeline of work. My normal format is to explain what I have done with each church, but that will be a bit difficult for this week because my work was more on the Regional Level. So here we go!

Monday (August 9th): It was Web Meeting Day as I was on three different meetings (two which I was the host and one I was the participant). The first web meeting was with the Ministry Developers. We caught up about the weekly events and noted that most of the Pre-Convention Material was on the web-site for us and others to review. We talked about weddings, vacation plans, and the up-coming Regional Rep and Ministry Developer WebEx meeting that night. The second meeting of the day was with EDS as we prepared to meet a group of people from throughout the United States who are interested in learning more about Ministry Development. The final web meeting for the day was with the Regional Reps. During that meeting we talked about pre-convention and the election of new Regional Reps and other various topics. My last meeting of the day was with St. Thomas worship ministry team which we reviewed the up-coming month worth of services. It was a full day!

Tuesday (August 10th): I was on the phone scheduling a Ministry Support Team Meeting for St. Thomas and putting together a church service leaflet for “Church in the Park”. Vonnie called me that day to report that she had received a commitment of 74 people who were planning on attending the service on August 22nd in Encampment. WOW! Normally we can expect about 15 to 20. That evening I joined with Tristan and Shane Glassburn (St. Thomas) to “test” the VTC equipment as we preparing for the Pre-Convention Meeting on August 21st. Shane and I attempted to program the St. Thomas unit to have a static IP (an internet address that is assigned to that one particular unit) I will save that story for another day. I will say that I believe we have a solution in the works. That evening I met with the group who signed up for the EDS distant learning event and they were about 30 people. Oh, boy we are going to have some fun now.
Wednesday (August 11th): I spent a couple of hours at Kraft Hall as I worked on giving my dates of events to Stephanie for this current week and making phone calls to schedule a WebEx meeting for Region 4 Church Services Schedule for the 4th Quarter. It is set for September 1st at 10am and for those who need to join, you will be receiving an invitation next week.

Thursday (August 12th): Spent most of my day working on figuring out how to program the LifeSize Unit at St. Thomas for its static IP address without any success. I found out that I needed more information from the internet provider and I didn’t have access to the account information. Nevertheless Norm and I worked hard and I made a couple of phone calls to learn a bit more about how this system works. After further conversation with Tristan English we have a working plan that we will be implementing in the weeks to come.
Friday and Saturday (August 13th and 14th): Was the wedding weekend. Friday I drove over to Vedauwoo to take a look around and begin planning how I will preside at Jason and Nichole’s wedding. The day was beautiful and it was nice to meet with the wedding party, parents, and close friends. Saturday was the day of the wedding. Five minutes before we get started it began to rain. We were unable to move and so here we were having a wedding in rain, hail, lightning and thunder. I kid you not, every time I mentioned God it boomed! After the service concluded the sun came out and everything dried off except the wedding party. The pictures will look like the event took place over three different days. What fun!
Saturday (August 21st): The Pre-Convention meeting was held using the VTC network which provided much promise. Yes, there are still some technology issues to resolve but that comes with the territory. As for Region 4 it worked well as we were able to see and hear everybody clearly. I am sure more information will be coming out in the days leading up to the Convention in Laramie in October.

Sunday (August 22nd): It was another full day. I drove to St. Paul’s in Dixon for an eight am service. We didn’t have music and five people arrived. So, we had a full service both the Ministry of the Word and the Ministry of the Table with enough time for me to travel over the mountain and into Encampment to assist on planning the “Church in the Park” event. People started to arrive around 10:30am and by the time we got started we had people from St. Mark (Cheyenne); St. Matthews (Laramie); St. Barnabas (Saratoga); St. James (Encampment); St. Thomas (Rawlins); and St. Paul’s (Dixon). The presiding duties were shared between Rev. Karen Buckingham (The Ministry of the Word), Rev. Doug Wasinger (Homily), and Rev. Jess Smith (Ministry of the Table). The music was provided for by the Shipps of Saratoga and by the time we were done and ready to feast on the banquet of fine fellowship and food there were 58 people in attendance. Good Work Region 4!
What is coming up? Ha,ha,ha! I didn’t think I would reach to this point. What am I up to this week? Well – Monday I was on a WebEx meeting with the Ministry Developers and have be working on catching up with other people and preparing for the week. Tuesday is Sermon Prep day and other various administrative tasks (light day). Wednesday is office day and a meeting with the Ministry Support Team of St. Thomas. Thursday is a hurry and catch-up day on my preparation for Born of Water; Born of Spirit book study. Sunday I will be heading to Region 5 to preside at St. David’s in Fort Bridger at 9am and St. John’s in Green River at 11am.
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